Wednesday, February 26, 2014

LZ Granderson Destroys self-Loathing, Closeted Ken Cuccinelli

While many of us hoped that after losing his bid to be governor of Virginia last November the always homophobic Ken Cuccinelli - a self-loathing closeted man in my view who remains tortured by his conservative Catholic religious brainwashing - would simply disappear from the public scene.  But like Rick Santorum (another tortured closet case in my opinion) Cuccinelli remains like a piece of gum on one's shoe and refuses to go away easily.  Or to stop preaching his raging anti-gay rants.   On Crossfire Cuccinelli all to predictably supported Arizona's "turn the gays away" bill and blathered on about "religious freedom" which translates as always into special rights for Christofascists like Cuccinelli and his former allies at The Family Foundation, a hate group in all but formal designation.   Here are highlights from Mediate where Cuccinelli received a much needed slap down:

Crossfire got really heated up Tuesday over the Arizona bill that would allow businesses to refuse service to LGBT individuals. Van Jones posed a provocative question to former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli: “What is the difference between a business owner saying no blacks are allowed here versus no gays are allowed here?” Cuccinelli dismissed the comparison, but CNN columnist LZ Granderson insisted the principle is the same because the bill is just “straight-up, plain nothing but discrimination!”

He told Cuccinelli that it’s not a matter of religious principle, it’s always about protecting the Christian faith, and called him and others out for pushing what he deemed institutionalized homophobia.
“Where in the Bible does Jesus say no to people? He’s always bringing people in! So are you really using this as––you brought up your religious faith, or are you wrapping your homophobia around the Bible and trying to find scriptures that justify your homophobia?”
Cuccinelli scolded Granderson for resorting to a personal attack, but Granderson stood on that point, telling Cuccinelli that he’s made “several remarks over the years that I would classify as homophobic, so I would say that you personally are probably a homophobe.”

Newt Gingrich asked if Catholic priests should be “coerced” into performing gay marriages. Granderson said no, because there’s a difference between churches doing what they want and a public businesses “that’s actually utilizing taxpayer dollars to help sustain itself” discriminating against people.

Cuccinelli insisted, “They undercut a fundamental precept of this country and that is religious freedom.”
 Cuccinelli (and Santorum) should do the world a favor and hire himself a cute rent boy, have the hot gay sex he secretly longs for, and move on once he realizes a lightning bolt is going to come out of the sky and strike him dead.

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