Sunday, December 15, 2013

The GOP's Continuing War on the Poor

The Republican demagogues in Congress like to depict food stamp recipients as a bunch of lazy welfare queens who prefer to sit home and watch TV rather than work.   As with so much of what the GOP disseminates as fact, the truth is something quite different as illustrated by chart above.  That's right, children and the elderly and the disabled make up 87% of recipients.  And in the GOP's world, these individuals are to be disposed of like yesterday's garbage.

As a former Republican it sickens me to see the callousness with which children in particular are discarded.   Especially since in the minds of far too many Republicans these children are thought to be black or Hispanic and, therefore, all the more worthy of being cast on the trash heap.  Add to the callousness the rank hypocrisy of a political party that whines incessantly that it supports Christian values while through its policies makes the Biblical Pharisees roundly condemned in the Gospels look like philanthropists and charity workers.   And people wonder why I left the GOP.  Increasingly, if one is truly moral and decent, it is becoming impossible to be a Republican.

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