Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mormon Church Launches "Ex-Gay" Site

Some had hoped that the Mormon Church might be moderating its position on gays and becoming more accepting of both gays and modern medical and mental health knowledge.  Apparently, such is not the case and the Mormon Church has launched a new "ex-gay" site that continues the "ex-gay" quackery that has damaged countless individuals who have either been forced into such programs or foolishly enrolled themselves as a result of religious based brainwashing and psychological abuse.  Adding to the frightening nature of this new site is the discussion of drug therapy to "cure" homosexuality.  Farcically, the site talks about "gender wholeness" even as one can only wonder as to how many lives will be ruined or lost because of this batshitery:

[C]onstant media depictions of gays and lesbians encourage perspectives that are at odds with gospel principles and standards.

In these circumstances, it may be difficult to know how to best help those among us who are personally struggling with same–sex attraction, and how to counsel their loved ones. Meanwhile, members of our families, wards, and stakes are silently struggling, and may be losing their way, because they lack accurate information and appropriate help.

This website is dedicated to providing accurate information gained from many years of experience working with individuals who are overcoming these issues. If we can be of further assistance, please contact us.
As for the supposed "therapy" involved, there is this:

In this phase, we work with clients to generate internal and, if needed, external support for their therapeutic process. In the simplest cases this might mean marshaling internal resources before digging into the deep work. In other cases this could include gaining the support of loved ones, becoming involved in a twelve-step group, joining an addiction recovery program, or beginning medication. It always includes developing a strong and trusting relationship with the therapist.

This phase also includes working on priority therapeutic issues, which are conditions or situations that pose a threat to client wellbeing, cause extreme distress, or disable the progression of therapy. Suicidal thoughts, distress caused by trauma, dangerous addictive behavior, and intense negative ruminations are examples of such conditions.

In truth, of course, one might just as well consult a primitive African  witch doctor or Haitian voodoo practitioner as to buy into this bullshit which provides anything but "accurate information."  As for homosexuality being "at odds with Gospel principles," the last time I read the Bible Christ said absolutely NOTHING about homosexuality yet he did heal the centurion's lover.  The only supposed explicit prohibitions trace to Leviticus.  These in turn were parroted by St. Paul a former legalistic Pharisee and, not Christ.  In short, it all traces back to the blathering of ignorant nomadic herders centuries before Christ.  It's all bullshit and lies and the image below shows the ridiculousness of clinging to Leviticus only to punish gays.

These programs truly need to be made illegal and therapist involved in them need to lose their licenses.  As for gay Mormons, their best approach is to leave the Mormon Church and its lies and untruths.

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