Friday, June 08, 2012

NOM’s Maggie Gallagher And Her ‘Wall of Hatred’

I will openly admit that I usually cannot stomach listening to anything the psychologically disturb, lying cow Maggie Gallagher has to say.  The woman has allowed her personal demons - all of which seem to track back to her getting knocked up in college and spurned by the guy that got her pregnant - to make a career out of making life hell for other human beings.  And she's laughed all the way to the bank in the process.  An opinion piece in The New Civil Rights Movement takes this despicable woman to task and calls her out as the hate merchant that she is in fact.  It makes it painfully clear that "protecting marriage" is not NOM's real agenda - no, the elimination of all rights for gays is the organization's real goal.  Here are some excerpts:

Nobody should expect any integrity from the National Organization of Marriage’s Maggie Gallagher, who routinely lies her head off to further her group’s hateful message that gays are sub-humans undeserving of rights.

NOM’s denial of gay people’s humanity is manifest in, for example, an all-day anti-gay hate fest held at Liberty University, where William Duncan, who is with NOM’s Ruth Institute, held a session titled “Homosexuals or Homo sapiens; Who Deserves  Protected Class Status.” Get it? NOM tells people that gays are not human.

Nonetheless, no matter how low you believe NOM may already have sunk, you can be sure it will always sink lower. Gallagher, for example, just last month published on The National Review a transparently duplicitous post “Is Maggie Gallagher a Victim?

The post is classic Gallagher, lying through her teeth while talking out both sides of her gay-bashing bigot mouth. She quotes Andrew Sullivan who said: “Listening to Maggie Gallagher this week, you may be struck by how she sees herself as the victim.” Gallagher of course does not inform her readers of the context in which Sullivan made his observation; she does not even link to his post. His post is titled “The Politics of Spite.” He describes spitefulness in Gallagher’s motives, and then says that despite her spiteful anti-gay motives, Gallagher disingenuously is claiming victimhood.

Sullivan of course was on to something essential about Gallagher in her current gay-bashing bigot’s evolution, but what he was on to needs further clarification.   The point is not that Gallagher cares most about portraying herself as a victim, though that is indispensable to her and she will not stop doing it. The most important thing to understand is that Gallagher is communicating to the anti-gay bigots in her target audience the dirty-tricks strategy by which they should fraudulently claim victimhood, the better to attempt to run a steamroller over gay people’s civil and human rights.

Gallagher is in essence telling her followers “You are victims of the homosexuals. Go forth and tell everybody that in our fight to defend our unwillingness to let the government extend anti-discrimination protections to homos, we are the victims.” Gallagher’s behavior in this is a textbook case study in scapegoating a minority.

If you do not act precisely as Gallagher and her bigot henchman believe you should be acting, according to their expectations for your gender, look for them to clobber you.  .  .  .  .  NOM and Gallagher want every last gay person stuffed back into the closet, and for no gay person ever again to mention the notion that a gay person should have rights. Gallagher has said that she is “unwilling” to live in a country with anti-discrimination protections for gay people.

Gallagher the gay-bashing bigot, in fact, wants to inflict hurt. Gallagher wants to lead an army of gay-bashing bigots to inflict harm on innocent people they do not even know. An anti-gay bigot is by definition malicious and sadistic, beating down cruelly on the minority, and alleging that unless the minority is beaten down, the bigot will not be able to live, and civilization will end.

Like a cockroach, Gallagher is a dark night feeder, grabbing up and digesting all of the nastiest, most unhygenic morsels of bigotry she can find in the blackness, and in the process, contaminating the living environment for others, leaving behind her a trail of bigot debris. When light shines on her bigot lies, she scampers away, to lie in wait for her next feelers-waving, skittering, repulsive attack on the environment.

Repeatedly on national television, Gallagher caught out in her absolutely endless lies has claimed she never said such things, but then immediately, the documentation that she did indeed say such things is found and published by multiple bloggers.  .  .  .  she knows no shame. Her fellow bigots love her; no decent person would. She is, in spirit, a nexus of horror of every schoolyard anti-gay bully who shoved a victim into lockers and yelled “Fag!” at them.

Gallagher the pathological bigot liar is instructing her bigot followers to say that the gay rights movement is about hatred, that gay rights supporters are motivated above all by hatred. Let it sink in, what Gallagher is doing, how she is lying about, and inciting others to lie about, gay human beings’ motivations in wanting their rights.

Gallagher simply has no shame. Where same-sex American couples are able to marry, she is in the malevolent fight of her life to get their marriages annulled against their wills, and to prevent all additional same-sex couples from marrying — ever  – whereas no outsider — Not. A. Single. One.  –  is trying to dissolve her marriage to Raman Srivastav

Gallagher has zero interest in helping people to have richly-developed, satisfying, enduring loving relationships. She does not in her person know anything about such relationships; she spent time separated from her cipher husband Raman Srivastav, dragging their child back and forth between different houses for visits;. . . .

Gallagher and NOM can fraudulently demonize gay human beings to NOM’s bigot supporters — and they can deny gay people’s humanity to those bigot supporters as well — but in court, under oath, NOM can not so readily get away with its gay-bashing lies. Relevant to Gallagher’s “wall of hatred” allegation, is that in every one of the campaign finance-related cases that NOM has brought, claiming that NOM’s supporters have received criminal threats and harassment, judges have ruled that those claims are without merit. Every single judge given to rule on that topic has ruled that NOM’s claims are without merit. 

The column continues on.  The picture that becomes very clear is that Gallagher and her fellow haters seek to destroy religious freedom in this country and force all citizens to abide by their sick , fear and hate based version of Christianity.  Gallagher makes the Pharisees of the Gospels look down right virtuous and honest.  She is despicable.

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