Monday, March 05, 2012

The Politicization Of Catholicism

As a former Roman Catholic - I was an altar boy for a decade and even 4th Degree Knight of Columbus once upon a time - I am repulsed by what has happened to the Catholic Church. Or perhaps I should restate that: I am repulsed by the Church hierarchy which I see as on a moral level on par with Mafia Dons. They have no morals and it would seem little or no honor. The good news is that most rank and file Catholics appear to be ignoring the foul pronouncements of the morally bankrupt Church hierarchy as evidenced by the Catholic laity's support for contraception and even same sex marriage. Unfortunately, far too many in the political class and the main stream media don't seem to get the message that the Church hierarchy in the persons on porcine Cardinal Dolan of New York increasingly speak only for themselves and that rank and file Catholics will go out and vote as their consciences dictate rather than based upon the bloviating of bitter old queens in dresses. Andrew Sullivan looks at the political gamesmanship of the Catholic bishops. Here are some highlights:

The legacy of Pope John Paul II and the current pontiff is increasingly felt. In rejecting the separation of church and state, and by focusing primarily on sexual issues, the hierarchy in many countries is beginning to fuse with parties of the social right. And the politics is now Santorum-esque. Listen to Cardinal Dolan of New York embracing the culture war (via the New York Times):

The cardinal mocked a secular culture that “seems to discover new rights every day.” “I don’t recall a right to marriage,” he said, describing marriage, instead, as a “call.” “Now we hear there’s a right to sterilization, abortion and chemical contraceptives.

Yes, they did a great job ensuring that thousands of children were left at the mercies of child predators for decades, didn't they? Just trust them. Don't listen to the majority of Catholics who dissent, or those brave souls who exposed the network of pedophiles and pederasts. Then the leader of an institution which refuses to allow women equality, boasts of using women as p.r. elements of a political campaign: He told a story about bishops hiring an “attractive, articulate, intelligent” laywoman to speak against abortion and said it was “the best thing we ever did.”

And in Britain, Cardinal Keith O'Brien has now likened allowing gay citizens to have civil marriage to "madness" and the legalization of slavery . . .

It's in this context that you have to understand the recent cruel withholding of communion to a lesbian daughter at her mother's funeral, or the abrupt firing of a gifted music teacher because he sought to marry the man he loves. As modern society shifts, and as its own flock shifts with it, the Church hierarchy has decided to double-down on its sexual absolutism. The cruelty comes with it.

Personally, I hope this batshitery by the Church hierarchy is hastening the demise of Catholicism - or at least the form practiced by the imperial papacy that apparently thinks we are still living in the 12th century.

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