Things are not any better in New York State where homophobic Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio (below right) of the Diocese of Brooklyn has told officials at Catholic schools in his diocese to bar Andrew Cuomo and any legislators who helped pass New York’s new marriage law from speaking at their institutions. The truth is that Tobin and DiMarzio are putting nails in the lid of the coffin for the Catholic Church in terms of attracting younger generations to the Church. Yes, there will always be some who will drink the Kool-Aid, but more and more of these younger people see the Church for the unloving fossilized institution which it is. First these highlights from On Top Magazine concerning Rev. Tobin's bigotry:
Governor Lincoln Chafee on Saturday signed a civil unions bill into law, making Rhode Island the fifth after Illinois, New Jersey, Delaware and Hawaii to recognize gay and lesbian couples with civil unions. . . . . Even before Chafee signed the bill into law, Tobin released a statement criticizing it.
“I am deeply disappointed that Rhode Island will establish civil unions in our state,” he wrote at The Rhode Island Catholic. “The concept of civil unions is a social experiment that promotes an immoral lifestyle, is a mockery of the institution of marriage as designed by God, undermines the well-being of our family and poses a threat to religious liberty.” * Tobin, however, suggested he doesn't support any government recognition of gay couples, and barred gay Catholics from entering a civil union.
"[T]he Church reminds its members that homosexual activity is contrary to the natural law and the will of God and, therefore, is objectively sinful. Persons with same-sex attraction are required to live the Christian virtues of chastity and modesty, as all persons are.”
“Because civil unions promote an unacceptable lifestyle, undermine the faith of the Church on holy matrimony, and cause scandal and confusion, Catholics may not participate in civil unions. To do so is a very grave violation of the moral law and, thus, seriously sinful.
In my view, Tobin can go do something rude and crude to himself. Would that Tobin and his cohorts cared as much about ridding the Church of predator priests and those who protect them. It's members of the Church hierarchy like him that make me ever so grateful that I left the Catholic Church over a decade ago. As for the hate and batshitery in Brooklyn, Newsmax.com has this:
Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of the Brooklyn Diocese has told officials at Catholic schools to bar Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislators who helped pass New York’s new law allowing same-sex marriages from speaking at their institutions.

“Republicans and Democrats alike succumbed to powerful political elites and have passed legislation that will undermine our families and, as a consequence, our society,” the bishop said in a statement. “With this vote, Governor Cuomo has opened a new front in the culture wars that are tearing at the fabric of our nation.”
If anyone is perpetrating the flames of the so-called culture wars it's bitter old men like DiMarzio who cling to a 13th century level of knowledge of science and sexuality and a book - the Bible - that has been shown to be riddled with historical errors and untruths.
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