It's disgusting how the mainstream media continues to give platforms to registered hate group leaders such as Tony Perkins. If these news outlets were consistent, they ought to be providing column space for the Klu Klux Klan and white supremacist organizations. Why they cannot see that hate is hate regardless of the target is troubling. Then again, it may be a symptom of the special rights given to religious based hate - at least if the haters are nominally Christian. I doubt that CNN would give column space to a Islamic extremist preaching Sharia law based hate. The same rule ought to apply to Perkins. Instead, CNN is allowing Perkins to blather about "Who social conservatives want for 2012." Let's be candid. What Perkins and his followers want is an overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and the establishment of a theocracy with themselves in charge. Thus, CNN is in actuality aiding in sedition against the Constitution. CNN needs to get its head out of its ass and see reality. While Perkins doesn't say it outright, we members of the LGBT community remain enemy number one to the Christofascists:
White flags and "round toits" are unacceptable on the fundamental social issues of life -- marriage, family and religious liberty. There is no room in the political parlor for those courting values voters if they are ambivalent about the sanctity of human life, and the bedrock institution of the natural family, an institution that is grounded in marriage between one man and one woman, and their capacity to transmit life to the next generation.
If CNN is going to promote Perkins' religious based screed, they at least need to have the integrity to notate that FRC is a registered anti-gay hate group. That would be honesty in journalism.
1 comment:
I don't know, usually the things they say are so ridiculous and hateful that it only serves to hurt their cause when they go on TV. The crazies are always going to support hate and they love it when guys like Tony speak, but when the moderates see these idiots on TV, it makes them lean toward opposing these hateful groups.
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