Friday, March 11, 2011

America's Growing Polarization and the Insanity of the Far Right

Watching the news some evenings truly makes one as WTF is happening to the USA? The willing embrace of ignorance by so many, the growing willingness to speak of and treat other citizens with contempt, if not open violence, and the efforts to dismantle the supports that created the middle class as are occurring in Wisconsin and elsewhere does not bode well for the USA's future. What happened to a nation where citizens lives are supposedly valued? Increasingly, we do not even see the pretense that such is the case. Instead, we see more and more hatred openly exhibited towards blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims - indeed anyone who doesn't fit the white Christianist mold. Yes, much of the blame for this atmosphere of national nastiness falls directly at the feet of self-righteous, self-congratulatory Christians - using that term loosely, of course, because their behavior is anything but truly Christian. I find it scary and admittedly continue to question when the day will come where I may choose to simply leave the USA and watch it self-destruct from some foreign nation where rational thought and the ideals supposedly embodied in the U.S. Constitution are actually put into practice (unlike here in Virginia). David Mixner has a post that while somewhat tongue in cheek looks at the growing divide and offers one proposal that sadly makes sense given what we are seeing in the national discourse. Here are some highlights:
[T]he nation is polarizing and globalization is almost demanding that nations rethink their borders. Election after election since 2000 we have had cliffhangers between a choice of a theocracy or a progressive democracy. Battles over social issues, immigration issues and how we treat the poor and needy have only increased the divide.
Why don't the blue states join Canada in a new confederation called the United States of Canada? . . . We'll have our energy located in Alberta which will become our new Texas. With a little practice we can pick up that peculiar accent and maybe make it a little bit more interesting. They already have baseball teams and we like hockey! Canada knows how to do Olympics and has great skiing.
The Canadians spend near $30 billion for defense and the United States currently spends over $600 Billion. Think of the money we can spend on schools, the environment and high speed rail!
The newly constituted United States of America (JesusLand) can relocate their capitol to either Atlanta or Dallas. . . . . They can spend all that money fighting useless "Christian Wars" and looking for non-existent nuclear weapons. At last they could have a theocracy with a formal national religion and a nation based on laws from the Bible. They can round up all those homosexuals and send them to that Canada place. "Y'all Pray, You Hear" can be the national motto. They can teach their kids in their homes and no longer have to pay property taxes for schools. Those in need....well, screw them....they should be working.
Maybe, just maybe....we should consider it.......

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