Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reflections on Life, Death and Memories

Thoughts of my late mother have been with me almost constantly so far this weekend which is when the first of her funeral/memorial services are taking places. Due to sibling animosity, religious based denegration, a deliberate delay in the services to wreck travel plans, and other shades of family dysfunction, my children and I did not attend the services this weekend. Instead, we will be holding another service later in the month. Our non-attendance - despite what some will no doubt say - should not, however, be construed to mean we loved my mother any less than - in my view- the more self-centered of her children.
Given that my mother spent more than the first decade of her life in the tropics, the vistas above have made me think of her intensely. I see her face in my thoughts and hope she is fully at peace. I will think of her often in the coming days in this beautiful tropical paradise. To me, it is only too evident that funerals and memorials are actually for the living and not the departed. And for the record, I do believe that there's a God, if you will, and an afterlife. Just not the perverted fear and guilt based God of the Catholic Church. My mother will live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved her of whom the boyfriend and I are numbered.


Buddy Bear said...

My condolences to you and your family.

Carole said...

I'm glad you're at Key West this weekend. Perfect!

gdouglasw said...

Michael. We're waiting Jennie's catholic funeral tomorrow--her choice. Very small simple and I'm hoping short. I have permission to skip the communion and am looking forward for the luncheon afterward. It's good to be spouse to an only child.

I'm so sorry you have to endure this too. It shouldn't be this hard. Our thoughts are with you.


Java said...

My condolences, Michael. You seem to have a healthy attitude about her passing and the mess that the biological family is making. Take care, enjoy the tropics, and be at peace.