UPDATED: For readers who would like to share their thoughts/feelings with Marshall (who claims to be thinking about challenging Jim Webb for his U. S. Senate seat when Webb's term ends) you can do so via this conatct information:
Robert G. Marshall
Robert G. Marshall
Delegate of 13th District
P.O. Box 421
Manassas, VA 20108
703 – 361 – 5416 (office and fax)
703 – 361 – 5416 (office and fax)
703 – 853 – 4213 (cell) (preferred)

[D]espite a number of polls indicating widespread public support for the repeal of "Don't Ask," some Republican congressmen have already vowed to fight it. Republican Virginia Del. Bob Marshall says he is drafting legislation that would ban gays from serving in the Virginia National Guard. "This policy [to allow gays to serve openly] will weaken military recruitment and retention, and will increase pressure for a military draft,'' he said in explaining the effort.
Marshall also lambasted the integration of openly gay men and women into the military as a "social experiment with our troops and our national security."
After 232 years of prohibiting active, open homosexuals from enlisting in our military, President Obama and a majority in Congress are conducting a social experiment with our troops and our national security," Marshall said. "In countries where religions and cultures find homosexual acts immoral, the Obama administration's repeal policy will work to the detriment of all American troops in securing local cooperation with our nation's foreign policy goals."
Traditional conservatives and the Tea Party movement are united only in their contempt for equal rights for all Americans and a desire to return America to a 19th century idyll," he [David Brock] said, adding in an interview with the Times that the group has no plans to compromise its goals.
My advice again to Mr. Marshall: hire a gay escort and get the Hell over your closeted self-hate that you continue to transfer to the rest of the LGBT community.
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