"Homosexual sin will always be a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God, an abomination which God condemns and shall punish with everlasting destruction. Even if the Senate had voted 100 to 0 to legalize sin, they could not remove God from His throne of Judgment, before which every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Klingenschmitt goes on to threaten members of Congress who voted for DADT repeal. I'd suggest that if there is any stench floating up to God's nostrils, it's emanating from Klingenschmitt, the Vatican and the Catholic Church hierarchy, the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention, and similar covens of "godly Christians." In the case of the Catholic Church, the hierarchy has aided and abetted and failed to punish the sexual molestation of children and youths. As for the rest of the Christianists their endless quest is to deny modern knowledge and inflict guilt, self-hate and a general feeling of worthlessness on their sheep like followers. For those not familiar with Kilingenschmitt, he was a Navy Chaplain who was court-martialed for refusing to follow orders, lying, and generally not acting like a navy officer should. Here are some tidbits from here is a scathing interview from Klingensschmitt's former boss, Capt. Norm Holcomb:
“I was the dishonored ex-chaplain’s supervisor for the past 2 years,” Holcomb wrote in his message. “I found him to be totally untruthful, unethical and insubordinate. He was and is contemptuous of all authority. He was not court martialed for praying in Jesus’ name. I sent him out in uniform every week to pray at various ceremonies and functions. He always prayed in uniform and in Jesus’ name. He was never told that he could not pray in Jesus’ name. In fact, the issue of prayer had nothing at all to do with his dismissal from the Navy. He disobeyed the lawful order of a senior officer. I am sure that you understand that Navy Regulations forbid any of us, regardless of rank or position, to appear in uniform in support of any political or partisan event.”
“We have been relatively quiet regarding our ex-chaplain’s untruthfulness and lack of honor because we are embarrassed that one of our own could display such behavior in the name of our Lord. We wanted to spare all concerned the embarrassment associated with his dishonesty. However, it now seems that it would be wrong for those of us who know the truth to remain silent. I served with him and supervised him (as best as it was possible to supervise a person who refused to submit to lawful authority) and I know about his daily dishonesty and ‘spin’ of the truth.”
Obviously, Klingensschmitt fits right in with his fellow Christianists like Maggie Gallagher, Tony Perkins, Tim Wildmon, et al, who display their total dishonesty daily - one of the reasons some of their organizations have been aptly registered as hate groups.
1 comment:
Personally I think that no-ome stinks to high heaven as those bigots who call themselves "christian".
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