Tuesday, November 23, 2010

CNN Gets All Pissy When Confronted About Hate Group Guests

As long time readers know, nothing - well perhaps one of several things - drives me crazy like the mindless non-judgmental manner in which elements of the main stream media (e.g., CNN, the Washington Post, and many others) give platforms to hate merchants without ever mentioning or challenging their reprehensible backgrounds and/or actions. White supremacist lover Tony Perkins of Family Research Council ("FRC") is a case in point. The big question now is whether or not these alleged serious news outlets will have the balls to say "No" to those from newly registered hate groups such as FRC and the American Family Associations. These groups have been categorized in the same company as the Klu Klux Klan and other vile racist and anti-Semitic organizations which would never be given a main stream media platform. Make no mistake about it. Perkins and those like him are just as hateful and just as willing to resort to lies and potentially incite violence. And their goal is to brainwash the young and fill them with hate. It's time that CNN and every other news outlet that helps disseminate anti-gay hate be called out and held accountable. Dan Savage tried to do just that on CNN and CNN (not one of my favorite news outlets) failed the test and shut down the segment when Dan called them out. The video below shows what happened. Here's a highlight from Dan's comments:
"There are no ‘two sides’ to the issue of LGBT rights. Right now one side is really using dehumanizing rhetoric. The Southern Poverty Law Center labels these groups as hate groups and yet the leaders of these groups, people like Tony Perkins, are welcomed onto networks like CNN to espouse hate directed at gays and lesbians. And similarly hateful people who are targeting Jews or people of color or anyone else would not be welcome to spew their bile on CNN."
I applaud Dan's calling CNN out. We all need to be equally vigilant. Here's the video clip.

1 comment:

Tempest Nightingale LeTrope said...

Dan is right and I laud him for having the balls to say what needed to be said.
Don't those pictures of the little kids wearing the KKK uniforms just slay you? They do me. Teaching the little ones hate like that is so ugly.