Thursday, July 22, 2010

Family Foundation Crocodile Tears

Earlier this month I wrote a post about The Family Foundation ("TFF") - James Dobson's poisonous Virginia affiliate that has been the moving force behind every anti-gay legislative initiative in the state for decades. Apparently, my tough words about TFF and its insidious Christofascist agenda upset the sensibilities of the gay haters at TFF. On its propaganda platform, I mean blog, TFF was whining and crying about me calling the organization out and as is the norm today played the role of the poor victimized Christians who are abused and called names by the big bad liberals and gays (actually, they frequently call me a "homosexualist", whatever the Hell that is). Among TFF's self described "victories" are the following:
Passed Constitutional Amendment Defining Marriage Passed a constitutional amendment that protects the definition of marriage and prohibits the Commonwealth or its political subdivisions from recognizing civil unions.
Banned counterfeit forms of marriage such as “civil unions” This law voids any civil union, partnership, contract or other arrangement between persons of the same sex purporting to bestow the privileges or obligations of marriage. Such an arrangement entered into in another state or jurisdiction is void in Virginia and any contractual rights created thereby unenforceable.
To achieve these "victories, TFF engaged in a massive disinformation campaign and disseminated the old lie that sexual orientation is a choice and, therefore, not entitled to legal recognition or protection. Also, quite disingenuously, TFF claims to support freedom of religion and among its "values" includes this-
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: the right of conscience, and the right to practice faith according to personal beliefs is sacred and should not be infringed or denied.
This right of religious liberty, of course, is to be enjoyed in actuality, however, only if one subscribes to TFF's religious views. Those of different faiths or with different views on homosexuality, marriage - the list is indeed endless - are simply out of luck. It's either TFF's way or TFF wants you to have no rights. Again, it's TFF and its members who are seeking special rights."
In addition to whining and carrying on about being persecuted, TFF tries to justify its bigotry towards gays - and reading between the lines, blacks, Hispanics, non-Christians, etc. - based on majority rule. Just because a majority supports something doesn't make it righ or moral. Given Virginia's history, citing majority approval of the denial of legal rights is a dangerous prospect. Apparently, TFF has forgotten about slavery, segregation, bans on interracial marriage among other things that the majority of the population once supported. Or does TFF, in fact, still support those anti-equality relics of the past? Personally, I suspect that it does.

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