Saturday, July 24, 2010

The GOP Base vs. The Constitution

The growing insanity of the GOP base and the demagogues who seeking to play upon the GOP Base's hatred and intolerance of everyone except those who are white, fundamentalist Christian or Opus Dei Catholics seems to be spinning increasingly out of control. What's remarkable is that while wrapping themselves in the flag and claiming to want to "restore constitutional government," these folks in fact seem Hell bent to dismantle the U.S. Constitution - at least insofar as it would provide rights and legal protections to anyone other than themselves. Similarly, Christian allies of this movement accuse others of seeking "special rights," yet it is they, not gays, blacks, Hispanics or others who want special rights. Specifically, they want to ride rough shod over the religious freedoms of others and deny newer generations of immigrants the very rights that allowed their own fore bearers to prosper and sustain their own ethnic communities. Adding insult to injury is the fact that they deliberately lie and twist the facts with abandon to further their own agendas.
A case in point is Newt Gingrich. It's bad enough that he claims to champion family and conservative values even though in his third marriage after two divorces - he seemingly has forgotten the Gospel prohibitions against divorce. Now, he is seeking to fan the flames of religious hatred. His target? The Muslim community center or The proposed 'Cordoba House' that would be built some blocks from the World Trade Center site in Manhattan. Gingrich has deliberately lied and described the center as a mosque overlooking the World Trade Center site. The only problem is that (1) it doesn't over look the site and (2) as one reader of Andrew Sullivan's blog pointed out, the community center would allow non-Muslims from the surrounding neighborhood who could use the recreation and meeting facilities. Joining Gingrich in these lies is pathological liar - and in my opinion, mentally ill - Sarah Palin. Whenever people wonder how Hitler came to power, nowadays all they need do is watch the activities and lies of the Christianist, far right GOP base, and faux news outlets like Fox News and Brietbart. Andrew Sullivan sums it up well as to how these people would destroy the Constitution that they disingenuously claim to support:
The Palin-led tone of the GOP is increasingly, well there's no other word for it, neo-fascist. As if it is now un-American to support freedom of religion - especially near a site destroyed by those who oppose it. Palin sees a mosque as a stab in the heart of America. I see it as a sign of America's endurance as a place where freedom of religion is sacrosanct, and where we make distinctions between genuine believers and those who distort and pervert faith for political and murderous ends.
If Palin and Ginrich ever come to represent "true Americans," then I suspect that I will be ashamed to be an American because America will have become something abhorrent.

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