The head of a family values group testified Tuesday that marriage developed to provide children with clear ties to their biological parents but is in such a weakened state in the United States that extending the institution to same-sex couples could be its death blow.
David Blankenhorn, president of the Institute for American Values, a private think tank in New York, took the stand as the second and final expert witness for the defense in the federal trial challenging California's ban on same-sex marriage. Lawyers for Proposition 8's sponsors are trying to prove the voter-approved measure serves a legitimate public purpose.
"If we move toward a widespread adoption of same-sex marriage, I believe the effect will be to significantly further and in some respects culminate the process of the deinstitutionalization of marriage," Blankenhorn said.
Blankenhorn acknowledged that heterosexuals were responsible for rising divorce and out-of-wedlock birth rates, but said allowing gays to marry could accelerate the process and possibly lead to the legalization of polygamy.
David Boies, one of the lead lawyers for the two same-sex couples who sued to overturn Proposition 8, tried to discredit Blankenhorn by getting him to acknowledge that he has conducted no independent research on same-sex marriage and his only advanced degree is in comparative labor history.
"I have not engaged in a scientific study were I find data and write up an article that would be published of that nature," Blankenhorn said. "I have read articles and had conversations with people and tried to be an informed person about it, and that really has been the extent of it."
Under cross-examination, Blankenhorn said he unaware of any studies showing that children raised by gay or lesbian couples since birth fared worse than children brought up by their biological mother and father. "Do you believe that legalizing same-sex marriage would improve the well-being of children raised by those households?" Boies asked. "Adopting same-sex marriage would be likely to improve the well-being of gay and lesbian households and their children," Blankenhorn said.
Earlier in the day, while also facing an exhaustive cross-examination by Boies, a political scientist testifying for the defense said voters' religious views and anti-gay stereotypes played a role in the ballot measure's passage in 2008.
The other issue not addresses, of course, is that for "family values" Christianist groups, "protecting marriage" has been a huge cash cow and has helped bolster their revenues as anti-abortion campaigns have continued to bring in less money for them. Religious bigotry and the pursuit of money = a poisonous combination.
Hypothetically speaking: If Prop 8 is won by the Plaintiff, effectively ruled invalid, the Defense will most certainly appeal.
In appeal or further courts, could the Defense also provide additional witnesses?
I ask because 4 of their 6 witnesses dropped out and the 2 remaining witnesses are clowns. If the Defense is able to rearrange, this case could go on forever.
On appeal, the Court of Appeals (or Supreme Court if the case gets there) will only look at the record from the trial court. Therefore, unless the case was remanded back to the trial court for further proceedings, the Prop 8 proponents will have no further opportunity to provide evidence or witnesses.
Micheal, thanks for the answer.
More Qs, but 1st some background:
I read thru Court Transcript of 01/26, Testimony of Defense Witness, David Blankenhorn, President of Institute for American Values, NYC, an organization he started in 1988. BTW he's native to Salem, VA.
Transcripts from each day are here:
Blankenhorn has immersed himself amongst other family scholars from which he has developed his own opinion that Marriage is best with M/F Biological Parents raising their Biological Children. He had not considered SS Marriage until 2007 when he began to interact with Jonathan Rauch, a proponent of Gay Marriage. Together they Op-Ed a 2/21/09 NYT article: A Reconciliation on Gay Marriage, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/22/opinion/22rauch.html.
Blankenhorn maintains high standard for marriage and that allowing SS Marriage would deinstitutionalize Marriage. But with his association with Rauch, he affirms that SS Relationships do need protection / recognition through Domestic Partnerships or Civil Unions but not Marriage.
Throughout his testimony he was directed to read excerpts from publications by various scholars. The entire book / document was provided to the court as evidence. The excerpts gave a pointed conclusion.
Can the Court review the entire Book or Publication and in theCourt's decision give opinion from sections other than the excerpt read by the witness under oath?
BTW I really appreciate that you are an Attorney and can give a professional reflection. Me, I’m just a regular Gay Joe. Thanks.
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