Saturday, October 03, 2009

Senator Harry Reid Endorses National Equality March

* click image for larger view
I am pleased to see that more and more people and organizations are signing on as endorsers of the National Equality March scheduled for next weekend in Washington, D.C. I hope that the endorsement by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid as set forth in the letter above will translate into real action as opposed to hand wringing and gutlessness that will only yield more years of inequality to LGBT Americans. As we have learned from Barack Obama, lofty words mean nothing if legislators and other elected officials lack the backbone to take real action and introduce and pass legislation that will grant full equality under the civil laws to LGBT Americans.
At this point, I believe that LGBT Americans need to make it clear to both the White House and Congressional Democrats that the LGBT ATM machine will continue to remain shut down unless and until real legislative advances occur on ENDA, the Matthew Shepard Act and the repeal of DADT and DOMA. Talk and pretty letters are cheap. We want concrete action.

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