Thursday, October 22, 2009

Matthew Shepard Act to Become Law

In a case of better late than never, the U.S. Senate passed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr., Hate Crimes Act which now goes to President Obama for signature into law. There are those who object to hate crimes legislation in general, but if hate crimes are going to specifically protect citizens based on other motives for discrimination, then the LGBT community deserves the same enhanced protections. I am sure the homo-hating extremists of the Christian Right will be wetting themselves while in a crazed frenzy over the Act's passage, but it speak volumes that they have never suggested that they not receive the "special rights" that they would deprive from others. Now, Congress needs to get its ass in gear and take on ENDA and the repeal of DOMA and DADT. Here are some highlights from the Washington Post:
The Senate cleared a historic hate crimes bill for President Obama's signature Thursday, approving new federal penalties for attacks on gays and lesbians. The legislation, which was attached to the conference report for the bill outlining the Pentagon's budget, marks the culmination of a years-long fight by civil-rights groups to codify the expanded protections.
The law broadens the current definition of federal hate crimes -- which covers attacks motivated by race, color, religion or national origin -- to include those based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. It would also create a new federal crime to cover attacks against U.S. military personnel because of their service. The measure was approved, 68 to 29, with a majority of Republicans voting against it. The House passed the same bill Oct. 8, also with most Republicans opposed. Gay rights groups praised the Senate's action.
The hate crimes measure is named for Matthew Shepard, a gay University of Wyoming student who was murdered in 1998, and James Byrd Jr., a black man who was dragged to death behind a pickup truck in Texas in 1998. Shepard's family founded the Matthew Shepard Foundation, which helped lobby for the measure that is now set to become law. Offered repeatedly by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), the bill had stalled previously in the Senate, and President George W. Bush vowed to veto it if it ever reached his desk.
Social conservatives argued that the hate crimes bill was in violation of the First Amendment, and a step toward a larger gay-rights agenda they strongly oppose. "Expanding hate crimes puts America in lock step with the stated agenda of homosexual activists who will turn next to the so-called Employment Non-discrimination Act, followed by the repeal of the ban on homosexuality in the military and then the Defense of Marriage Act.," the Family Research Council warned on its Web site.
My, my - feel the hate emanating from the false Christians at FRC and the Klan loving Tony Perkins.

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