Saturday, October 24, 2009

All Too Predictable Christianist Lies

As expected, the wingers are going into convulsions over the passage of the Hate Crimes bill and are disseminating all types of hysterical lies about the coming persecution of Christians. As I have noted before, I never cease to be amazed by the dishonesty and intentional lies put out by these false Christians. Just as they selectively pick and choose which Bible passages to apply literally, they likewise choose to utterly ignore the Commandment against lying and bearing false witness. Piling onto the hysteria - again all too predictably - is WingNutDaily which utterly ignores the actual language of the bill which only penalize PHYSICAL VIOLENCE against GLBT citizens, NOT speech. Also, conveniently left out of the diatribe is the fact that Christians ALREADY HAVE hate crimes protections. Here's a sampling of the outright lies:
A "hate crimes" bill opponents claim will be used to crack down on Christian speech, even the reading of the Bible, is poised to be signed by President Obama, a longtime proponent of the plan to give homosexuals and others with alternative lifestyles special protections not provided other classes of citizens.
The bill – which creates federal protections and privileges for homosexuals and other alternative lifestyles but denies those protections to other groups of citizens – earlier was approved in the U.S. House.
"So-called 'hate crimes' laws are really laws that criminalize thought, because they punish an individual not for what he did but for what he thought. Politically incorrect thoughts about homosexual behavior will result in enhanced criminal sanctions under this law." . . . "Such laws not only punish officially disapproved speech and thought, they create two tiers of victims. Under hate crimes laws, some victims get more protections than others, which violates the fundamental American principle of equality under the law," the alert said. "In fact, such laws actively discriminate against heterosexual Christians who are victims of crime, since they will get less legal protection than homosexual victims."
Erik Stanley, senior legal counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund, told WND the move is alarming because "this would be the very first governmental and societal disapproval of a sincerely held religious belief, held by a majority of Americans, namely that homosexual behavior is immoral. "It's the first time the federal government is writing into law a disapproval of that belief," he said. While he said he doesn't believe there will be "immediate" prosecutions of pastors and churches for teaching the biblical injunction that homosexual behavior is sin, "I think the effect on speech and religious speech is nonetheless real." He said he does expect that pastors soon will begin being called to testify in "hate crime" cases in court "as to what that pastor preaches, what the church teaches, what the Bible teaches."
All untrue and the "godly Christians" making the untrue statements know they are untrue. Yet another example of why more of the younger generation hold organized Christianity in disregard. It is disgusting.

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