Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sally Kern's Latest Anti-Gay Screed

Even as more GOP politicos are trashing the sanctity of marriage, Oklahoma nutcase Sally Kern is off making yet another anti-gay screed and blaming LGBT Americans for the decline of morality - as if we made John Stanford and John Ensign somehow cheat on their wives. The woman is seriously disturbed to say the least given her never ending obsession with gays. Kern's latest eruption of batshittery took place at the disingenuous Americans for Truth conference in Chicago on June 17 where she spouted off claiming to highlighting President Obama’s radical homosexualist agenda. Here are some highlights from Kern's latest verbal diarrhea:
The homosexual agenda is only one symptom of the real problem in America. The problem is that we have forsaken the Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation was founded. Noah Webster declared: “The principles of genuine liberty and of wise laws and administrations are to be drawn from the Bible.”
There are two conflicting worldviews vying for power. The secular humanist worldview versus the Judeo-Christian or Biblical worldview. Humanism sees the world as impersonal matter shaped by chance with man just another animal. There is no basis for values or laws. The Biblical worldview recognizes a Creator who established moral laws and absolute truth as revealed in the Bible. Man, made in God’s image, is priceless.
For the first time in America’s history, we have a president who has no understanding of the Biblical worldview and who has even less understanding of the truths of the Bible. This is evident when he says that support for homosexual “marriage” [unions] can be found in the Sermon on the Mount or that certain passages in Romans are just obscure passages. Whereas George Washington expelled from his military those who practiced sodomy, President Obama honors sodomites by proclaiming an entire month as Gay Pride Month, but he won’t acknowledge one day for our National Day of Prayer.
Today we have a national moral crisis and leading the charge against religion and morality is the homosexual agenda with the president carrying their water.
If Obama is so busy "carrying our water," why is it that he's under non-stop attack by LGBT organizations for having lied to us during his campaign. I think Kern must be living in some parallel universe from the rest of us.

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