Thursday, June 11, 2009

Politics and Religion of Hate

Michelle Kraus has a column in Huffington Post that looks at yesterday's shooting at the Holocaust Museum and correctly attributes much of the atmosphere of hate on the far right to the Bush years and the politics of hate and division perfected by the Chimperator and Karl Rove. She fails, however, to give full credit due to the professional Christian set which played a key role in whipping the ignorant and bigoted into a frenzy against gays, abortion, immigrants and others in order to implement the Bush/Rove message. Sadly, the media continues to help give a platform to these folks and never challenges their false claims and/or hypocrisy, leaving that task to blogs and other evolving forms of journalism. Here are some column highlights:
Hate is out of control in the post Bush years. . . . The point is these atrocious actions are the result of the politics of hate. Words spoken in the world of 24/7 news do have an impact. They result in deliberate actions as is evidenced by the recent atrocities. Wonder of wonders, the suspected murderer of Dr. Tiller has reached his personal Nirvana. He has climbed from relative obscurity in Kansas to an international pulpit viewed daily on the news. The absurdity is profound.
The Bush years are the gift that keeps on giving. They were masters of the message deeply infiltrating the culture with seeds of fear and hate. Thank you very much Karl Rove and your minions. These guys and gals were taught how to harness the airwaves of television and the Internet. They became the titans of manipulation showering divisive messages, and the work was extraordinary. They were more skillful then Madison Avenue. Maybe Microsoft should hire you to merchandise their new search engine, Bing!
Every major issue facing this country has been tarnished by their polarizing messaging -- whether it is climate crisis legislation, nuclear proliferation, Mid East peace, stem cell research and treatment, women's reproductive rights, health care reform, or gay marriage. These issues have been infused with emotion, partisan affiliations and religiosity. Yet here we are late for the train with a well oiled message machine, a weary populace, and a greedy media willing to sell their mothers for a story.
We are living in a world of hurt, domestic unrest and a country bled dry financially and morally. When will it stop?


ZIRGAR said...

Every time a Democrat gets elected the batshit fucknuts work themselves up into a frenzy, all the while the fires of hate and insanity are stoked at the pulpits and radiowaves across the land. What's been going on all year with people going around shooting up everything and everyone they don't like will unfortunately only get worse.

Rob T. said...
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Rob T. said...

I am very concerned about the extremists on the Right, & esp. those who are influenced by the hate machine coming out of many churches. One thing that rarely gets mention is cable's EWTN, the very conservative Catholic channel. It has on frequently Fr. Frank Pavone, who is the head of Priests for Life, a conservative, anti-abortion/pro-life activist organization. Pope JP2 gave him special permission to start this organization. I don't think Fr. Pavone & others like him grasp that their words are taken far beyond what they may have intended by some, including those like Dr. Tiller's killer who feel that committing murder for "murder" is justified.