Friday, May 08, 2009

How Christianists Ignore and/or Twist the Truth

Overnight I received an anonymous comment attacking me personally for my recent posts about Congressman Randy Forbes and his efforts to re-write history and foists the "Christian nation myth" on the public via a Congressional Resolution. I would point out again that Mr. Forbes forgets that as a Congressman, he is supposed to uphold the U.S. Constitution which provides for the separation of church and state. Instead he seeks the establishment of a sick version of Christianity as the quasi-official national religion.
The writer - who strikes me as a likely Republican from my past - also accuses me of being "against God", suggesting that perhaps I should have allowed God to "change me straight," and needing to remember that God loves me. Obviously, the writer must be a Kool-Aid drinker if they subscribe to the "choice myth" concerning sexual orientation which has been rejected by all legitimate medical and mental health experts other than the non-witch doctor like reparatory therapist devotees at NARTH and bogus Christian "ministries" like Daddy Dobson's Love Won Out. Likewise, the writer has not read this blog sufficiently to grasp that I foolishly tried to change the unchangeable for 37 years. News bulletin: sexual orientation is not something one chooses or can change. You can deny it, try to push it out of your consciousness, torment and hate yourself, etc., but it remains what it is. Would that I had figured that out earlier in my life.
As for the claim that I am against God, that is - pardon my French - utter bull s*it. I am merely against the hypocritical Christianist approach to God which involves selectively picking and choosing passages from the Bible and basing ones belief system largely on who one hates and condemns. I still consider myself a Christian and belong to a church. Yes, I do reject the corrupt aspects of institutional religion, particularly the Roman Catholic Church and the falsely pious Southern Baptist Convention (which originally came into being so that it could continue to support slavery when the northern Baptists became abolitionists). I am well aware that God loves me - I just wish some of his alleged followers showed more love to their fellow man and would not do all in their power to demonize and stigmatize others who are different than themselves.
As for my children, they fortunately seem to accept me for who I am and seem to truly like the boyfriend. They also have come to reject both the Republican Party with its de facto religious tests for membership and the hypocritical and corrupt Catholic Church. I sincerely hope they each find a new church home where they feel welcome and comfortable. One prerequisite they look for is a church's acceptance of gays which excludes many churches from their consideration. I would also add that they seem to recognize that I am a far happier person than when I was in the closet and understand that my self-hatred over my sexual orientation sometimes made me less than the father I should have been for them. I am doing all that I can to atone for my past failings.
Bottom line, I believe I am following the path God wants for me. Indeed, I feel called by God to work tirelessly to expose the Christianists who have perverted Christ's Gospel message into something hateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can see that you have been hurt by many people who claim christ on their life. i would like to appolgize for for christ on their behalf. you should not have been hurt in that way and as a true follower of christ i am sorry for you.