The HRC exclaimed:" good news from new leadership in the Obama Administration and the State Department... the U.S. will sign the U.N. General Assembly declaration supporting LGBT rights! New leadership at State clearly understands the importance of these issues. . . . And I think: Are we so accustomed to empty gestures?
Have we set our expectations so low that we embrace such acts as progress from our "closeted", "down low" supposed supporter, President Barack Obama? Never mind the resolution is nothing else than that. It has no binding ramifications. Nor, did I hear from the Obama administration that the resolution would be a centerpiece, demonstrated policy of the State Department, that will dictate and drive who, and which countries would get most favorable status based on this UN Resolution.
And, more, my LGBTI commnunity members, the whole hypocritical stance of this signing, is glaring: our principled-pragmatist-in-chief, has remained the gutless wonder in regard to pursuing anything remotely close to his supposed support of our rights! In these waning, "FIRST 100 DAYS", no movement has been made on ENDA, DOMA, DADT, HATE CRIMES LEGISLATION, GAY TAX POLICY, ADOPTION RIGHTS...the list goes on. . . . . He has remained silent about anything remotely connected to LGBTQI RIGHTS.
For the LGBTQI communities to glorify such a hollow, pandering, platitude, as the signing of the UN RESOLUTION, just shows how "easy" we are. The problem is not Obama, here, he is known for backpedalling on our issues if it means losing the white, middle-class conservative voters, the problem is with US! We should EXPECT more. DEMAND more, and begin setting timetables for action on our issues.
The time has come to hold OBAMA accountable to his word. To label him a hypocrite, or a liar if necessary, to villify him, and call him a traitor if necessary, and withhold money, and votes, and protest on Washington DC, and threaten to withhold votes on every democratic candidate that runs for anything.
It is time we made him stop hiding. It is time to call him out, and bring him out of the LGBTQI RIGHTS CLOSET!!!!!
In my view, Steve is totally correct. We are American citizens and we deserve - no, we DEMAND equal rights NOW. If we allow ourselves to sit waiting for equality to be given to us, it will never happen. LGBT Americans need to make it totally clear to Obama that our patience is just about out. Do something REAL or our votes and money will sit out elections. In close elections, LGBT voters can literally decide who wins and who loses. Obama and the Congressional Democrats need to be given a loud wake up call.
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