Officials are unclear how the sender obtained the e-mail addresses of parents, many of whom expressed disgust with the antigay sentiments. . . . The high school near San Francisco is the alma mater of lesbian MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.
A full text of the e-mail is captured at the Contra Costa Times and it sounds like something drafted by Don Wildmon, Peter LaBarbera, Tony Perkins, or one of the delusional men at Concerned Women for America would have authored. Here are some highlights:
Now I find out that the influence of the gay agenda at CVHS is much worse than I had been led to believe. I already knew that most of my child’s teachers were gay. So what else is new? The hysteria over Proposition 8 has gone so far past tolerance now that outright brainwashing is the new new plan to influence future voters. As a lifelong bay area resident I have become accustomed to the constant barrage in all media about gay parade this and gay everything that.
This slide show presentation in math class today was over the top. The kids were given step by step instructions on how to become gay and transsexual. They were given a list of websites to visit some of which were so disgusting that they should be labeled porn sites. How many other classes has this occurred in? How long has this been going on? Where is the oversight?
I do not know about all of you parents but this is not the Continued Excellence as we were promised in the last election just four months ago. Something needs to be changed!
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