I guess the strain of trying to delude themselves into believing that by supporting the McCain/Palin ticket they are not acting like Jews for Hitler is getting to the Log Cabin Republicans (click the photo for a larger copy). Hence the rantings against those who rightly point out the idiocy of the LCR's endorsement of John McCain.
Personally, I am a bit dumb founded as to how the LCR can define McCain as "the most pro-gay GOP presidential nominee in American history." The facts are that McCain has opposed EVERY piece of pro-gay legislation in Congress. True, he doesn't support - or so he says - the Federal Marriage Amendment but on the issue of gay marriage he supports state constitutional bans. Hello!!! About the only other thing McCain has done is not publicly advocate for the re-enactment of the sodomy laws. But then he doesn't need to - he'll simply appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would join Scalia, et al, and reverse Lawrence v. Texas. I think it's about time the LCR admit their self-loathing and go enroll in Daddy Dobson's "Love Won Out" ex-gay program. At least then they'd be honest with themselves and the rest of the LGBT community.

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