Sunday, June 08, 2008

Incredible Heat

While not record breaking (the record for June 8th was set in 1899), the Norfolk area is baking under unusually high temperatures - yesterday it was over 100 degrees and the forecast is for today, Monday and Tuesday to be equally hot combined with high humidity. Typically, we do not experience this kind of heat for another month or so. It has warmed up the waters of Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean significantly from just two weekends ago. Since this weekend is Harbor Fest - a waterfront festival on the Norfolk's waterfront complete with tall ships, there's a risk of people being overcome by the heat.
I went to the beach yesterday which was not too uncomfotable due to a pleasant longshore breeze. Inland, it was like a blast furnace. The water which two weeks ago was too cold for my taste was actually pleasant and I went in the Bay several times (I went to the Bay because there are once again there were no decent waves for surfing). Last evening, I went to Mixers first - a lesbian band, Wicked Vixens, which was very good - was playing and then I went to The Wave to dance. Even with the air-conditioning cranked up to the max, it was rather hot in both clubs since even into the evening it was still in the uper 80's. Nonetheless, I had a good time and got in plenty of aerobic exercise.
I am debating on whether to go to the beach again today - I need to work on my tan - or opt for staying indoors. I need to do more painting on the front porch, but may wait for cooler temperatures.

1 comment:

Java said...

South Carolina is experiencing those extreme hot temps and high humidity also. Superman tried to do some woodworking outside, but was driven back into the coolth of the house. I'm glad we have air conditioning!