A new Rasmussen poll of New York voters indicates that more Democrats believe that Hillary Clinton, a/ka/ Akasha, Queen of the Damned, should drop out of the race to be the Democrat nominee. Equally bad for Akasha is that more see Obama as the stronger candidate for the general election in November. A higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats want her to stay in the race - obviously because they want her to distract attention from McCain and hopefully damage Obama somehow. Will Akasha get the message? I doubt it since her ego and ruthless lust for power literally know no limits. One would think the superdelegates would figure it out, however. Here are some highlights from the poll results:
Fifty percent (50%) of New York Democrats say it’s time for Senator Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race for the White House. Just 43% believe she should keep going. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey also found that most New York Republicans—52%--want Clinton to keep striving for the nomination. Just 16% of New York Democrats think Obama should drop out of the race. Forty-seven percent (47%) of New York voters believe Obama is the stronger general election candidate. Forty-three percent (43%) believe Clinton would be better.
The survey also found that Obama is now viewed more favorably than Clinton in New York. Sixty-two percent (62%) of New York voters have a favorable opinion of Barack Obama while 55% give Hillary Clinton such positive reviews. For Obama, those ratings are up four points from a month ago while Clinton’s are down three points. Sixty-five percent (65%) of New York voters believe that it is more important to get the troops home from Iraq than it is to win the war. Just 30% disagree and say winning the war is more important.
Just 22% of New York voters say that George W. Bush is doing a good or excellent job as President. Sixty-four percent (64%) say he is doing a poor job.
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