People, especially the young, can be seduced into homosexual behavior and have their identity molded around the homosexual lifestyle, through a combination of persuasion and circumstances which may include the following:
• Being convinced homosexuality is acceptable;
• Being convinced homosexuality is acceptable;
• Reading or viewing explicit homosexual pornography;
• A close relationship with a peer who is practicing homosexuality;
• Admiring an older teacher or mentor who is homosexual;
• Attending homosexual social venues (a “gay” club, bar, church youth group);
• Being homosexually molested;
• Having parents who espouse liberal values;
• No strong ties to a conservative church, and hostility toward traditional views.
Like almost all of the professional anti-gay mouth pieces, Linda Harvey's views are based on her far right, intolerant religious beliefs and a desire to merge her version of fundamentalist Christianity with the civil laws. She lacks any credentials that would actually qualify her to be disemminating legitimate information that is based on anything other than religious dogma. Unfortunately, the main stream media NEVER asks these folks about their credentials or lack thereof. Treating Ms. Harvey and those like her as experts on homosexuality is like interviewing me on brain surgery. I could talk about it, but it'd be just talk with no legitimate basis. Here's an e-mail Linda Harvey sent to me me when I questioned her on her credentials:
From: Linda Harvey (lpharvey@columbus.rr.com)
Sent: Wed 8/25/04 4:55 PM
To: Michael_Hamar@hotmail.com
From: Linda Harvey (lpharvey@columbus.rr.com)
Sent: Wed 8/25/04 4:55 PM
To: Michael_Hamar@hotmail.com
My bio is at the link below.
Sure hope you begin to be able to listen to people's messages and evaluate them yourself, rather than waiting until you determine whether the person is "expert" enough for you. Lots of valuable information comes from unlikely places. There's more in a pertinent Bible verse: 1Corinthians 1:20-31.
Linda Harvey
When I went to the link in question, once all of her boasting and chatter about her articles and speaking engagements, etc., were deleted, Ms. Harvey's credentials came down to the following (Note: ZERO mental health or medical background whatsoever):
As a former advertising executive, Mrs. Harvey has specialized in creating new communications' vehicles. She has started more than twenty-five publications and overseen multi-million dollar advertising campaigns, primarily in the health care industry. Linda Harvey holds a B.A. in English from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and has done graduate work at both Miami and Ohio State University. She is the wife of Tom Harvey and the mother of two children. They live in Columbus, Ohio.
As for my comments on Messrs. LaBarbera and Knight, who continually disseminate lies and untruths about the LGBT community and fraudulently hold themselves out as legitimate, qualified experts, she stated the following (she shares their obsession with anal sex):
I''ve worked over the years with both Robert Knight and Peter LaBarbera and there are not two finer guys on the planet. They both have true, true kindness in their hearts, even for their opponents. I've heard both of themtalk with great distress about the likes of guys like Rev. Fred Phelps ( ablowhard who must be financed by the gay lobby--my opinion). They are also great fathers and husbands, fun and loyal friends, andintelligent, dedicated former liberals who are trying to make a difference. Homosexual sex is just so obviously wrong. I don't know what else to say to you. You don't accept much as evidence but I dont' think it needs any. Anal sex is damaging, and the person with sense can see that. But we all--me aswell--have our blind spots.
Basically, she's someone with a website who likes to bitch about homo's alot.
Basically, she's someone with a website who likes to bitch about homo's alot.
Every now and then we need to be reminded that these wingnuts are out there.
As with you, Michael, none of her causes applies to me.
I just love how she suggests that Fred Phelps must be financed by Teh Gays. That's priceless.
If homo-sex is so obviously wrong, why does it occur in other species (who are incapable of reading the Bible)?
Of course, she just has to use the "lifestyle" word. It seems to say so much without actually meaning anything.
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