Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Midnight in America: the Mainstreaming of the GOP's Lunatic Fringe

Arianna Huffington has a great column describing what has happened to the Republican Party that I highly recommend (, Here's a sampling of the piece:
The most significant takeover of the past decade isn't to be found among the telecoms, the big oil companies, or in Silicon Valley. The reconfigured entity is headquartered in Washington, but we can see and hear the results everyday on your television, radio, and computer screen. And America is much the worse for it. I'm talking about the takeover of the Republican Party by its lunatic fringe.
Reagan's GOP has been replaced by the dark, moldering, putrefied party of Bush, Cheney, Rove, Limbaugh, Coulter, and Malkin. Morning in America has given way to Midnight in America.

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