Sunday, April 25, 2021

American Police Are Inadequately Trained

Like in many other areas - e.g., child education where teachers are typically underpaid and schools underfunded - America skimps on funding of its police forces, particularly in the area of training in comparison to other advanced wealthy nations. Worse yet, there are no uniform standards, psychological background checks are often deficient, and there is no national data base that follows "bad cops" to warn other departments to think twice before hiring applicants who have past disciplinary problems.  Throw in the more recent militarization of police forces and it's little wonder America has a police crisis compared to its advance nation peers.  Defunding the police would only make the problem worse since training would likely be a target for budget cuts.   We could learn much from what Republicans derisively call "Old Europe" where training is far superior.  A piece in The Atlantic looks at this problem.  Here are excerpts:

Police in the United States receive less initial training than their counterparts in other rich countries—about five months in a classroom and another three or so months in the field, on average. Many European nations, meanwhile, have something more akin to police universities, which can take three or four years to complete. European countries also have national standards for various elements of a police officer’s job—such as how to search a car and when to use a baton. The U.S. does not.

The 18,000 police departments in the U.S. each have their own rules and requirements. But although police reform is a contentious subject, the inadequacy of the current training provides a rare point of relative consensus: “Police officers, police chiefs, and everyone agree that we do not get enough training in a myriad of fields,” Dennis Slocumb, the legislative director of the International Union of Police Associations, told me.

The mix of instruction given in police academies speaks volumes about their priorities. The median police recruit receives eight hours of de-escalation training, compared with 58 hours of training in firearms, according to the Police Executive Research Forum, a think tank for police executives. But despite the initial focus on firearms, American police don’t receive much ongoing weapons training, either. Slocumb said that when he was an officer in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, pistol requalification went from happening once every 30 days to four times a year, and then to three times a year. “That’s not because the sheriff or anyone else wants us to become less proficient,” he said. “It’s just a financial consideration.”

Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor, trained as a reserve police officer in Washington, D.C, while writing a book. . . . . American police training resembles military training—“polish your boots, do push-ups, speak when you’re spoken to,” Brooks told me. In an article for The Atlantic last year, she described practicing drills and standing at attention when senior officers entered the room. “I don’t think I’ve been yelled at as much since high-school gym class more than three decades ago,” she wrote. Reformers worry that this type of training teaches recruits that the world runs on strict power hierarchies, and that anything short of perfect compliance should be met with force and anger.

Many policing experts recommend that officers be trained to slow down when they are able to do so, giving themselves time to decide the best course of action. “Police are taught in the academy [that] police always have to win,” says Chuck Wexler, the executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum. But sometimes it’s okay not to win, particularly if it means saving a life.

“So many of these bad cases are a result of an officer incorrectly perceiving a threat,” says Sue Rahr, the former sheriff of King County, Washington, who now serves as an adviser to police-reform organizations. Rahr has developed a method to train recruits to be courteous, show empathy, explain their actions, and preserve everyone’s dignity. Police should be trained “to be sympathetic, to be guardians, rather than warriors,” Wexler says.

That might mean adding new subjects to the curriculum. Few American officers receive much education about the history of policing or the role of police in a democratic society. “The officer coming out of one of the European training programs, he’s much more likely to have a much broader perspective on what the job is, what your role is, what your society is like, how do you fit into it,” says David Harris, a law professor at the University of Pittsburgh. “Those things are just not really part of what’s going on in most American police-training programs.”

American police academies are also light on training in “soft skills,” such as how to communicate or use emotional intelligence to see a situation clearly. “We didn’t talk about any of what you might call the big issues in policing: race and policing, policing and excessive force, what is good policing?” Brooks said.

New officers are often paired with field-training officers, but many of those officers learned the wrong techniques themselves, and are passing them along to their trainees. Derek Chauvin, who was convicted on Tuesday of murder, was acting as a field-training officer when he killed George Floyd. Kim Potter, who shouted “Taser! Taser! Taser!” before fatally shooting Daunte Wright with her pistol last week, was also acting as a field-training officer at the time.

The Marshall Project recently looked at 10 big-city police departments and found that most allow officers who have faced allegations of aggressive behavior to become trainers; one academic study found that officers whose trainers had a history of citizen complaints were more likely to draw complaints themselves in their first two years on the job.

Better training alone can’t solve every problem with American policing. But because officers are licensed to use force against their fellow citizens, they should at least be equipped to use it wisely.


Bruce.desertrat said...

Before we do anything, we need to first acknowledge that the police in America have always been a force deployed to protect the wealthy white upper class and supress the poor. It is an institution not far removed from it's origin as slave patrols.

It's not "inadequate" training; it is deliberately agressive training. They have long been trained (this started really gaining steam in the 90's with the myth of those 'superpredator' kids) that they are to act as though they are in enemy territory any time they're not in their fire base, I mean precinct.

They're deliberately taught that anyone they encounter posesses the will and ability to kill them, and if they want to stay alive, they must be the agressor first

They are not trained, and haven't been trained for decades to be anything but an occupying force patrolling a hostile community.

Unknown said...

I am a transgender chemistry graduate student, who also came out in mid-life. I spent 10 years as a police officer and I have been saying this same thing. Training was minimal, and then a couple of months with a training officer who may or may not teach good police practices. I was lucky, I was intelligent and took it on myself to learn the law, to consult attorneys and judges, I used my own time to practice and train, I spoke with people, I didn't talk down to them. I learned lessons every officer should be taught. But cities and counties in the US are more concerned with the bottom line, and good training takes time and money, and most politicians are too narrow minded to see that spending that money at the outset will save money in the long run.