Monday, April 06, 2020

Has Anyone Found Trump’s Missing Soul?

A column in the New York Times looks at the damaging consequences of having a malignant narcissist lacking any true empathy for anyone in the White House. As I said in a Facebook comment, Donald Trump is making George W. Bush - a man plagued by disastrous decisions cost thousands of American lives in the Iraq War fiasco - look like an almost likable.  Why so?  Simple, actually.  Despite all of his horrific failings, Bush could exhibit empathy for others.  The same holds for Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and even George H.W. Bush.  Trump frighteningly stands in a league of his own - even compared to Richard Nixon.  It is as if Trump has no soul and is incapable of exhibiting feelings towards other (other perhaps lust for the pussies he wants to grab).  The irony is that before the coronavirus pandemic is over, even his idiot, racist supporters may be forced to this conclusion. Here are column excerpts:
Do you remember President George W. Bush’s remarks at Ground Zero in Manhattan after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks? I can still hear him speaking of national grief and national pride. This was before all the awful judgment calls and fatal mistakes, and it doesn’t excuse them. But it mattered, because it reassured us that our country’s leader was navigating some of the same emotional currents that we were.
Do you remember President Barack Obama’s news conference after the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., that left 28 people, including 20 children, dead? I do. Freshest in my memory is how he fought back tears. He was hurting. He cared.
One more question: Do you remember the moment when President Trump’s bearing and words made clear that he grasped not only the magnitude of this rapidly metastasizing pandemic but also our terror in the face of it?  It passed me by, maybe because it never happened.
In Trump’s predecessors, for all their imperfections, I could sense the beat of a heart and see the glimmer of a soul. In him I can’t, and that fills me with a sorrow and a rage that I quite frankly don’t know what to do with.
Americans are dying by the thousands, and he gloats about what a huge, rapt television audience he has. They’re confronting financial ruin and not sure how they’ll continue to pay for food and shelter, and he reprimands governors for not treating him with adequate adulation.
This is more than a failure of empathy, which is how many observers have described his deficiency. It’s more than a failure of decency, which has been my go-to lament. It’s a failure of basic humanity.
Michael Gerson, a conservative who worked in Bush’s White House, wrote that Trump’s spirit is “a vast, trackless wasteland.” Not exactly trackless. There are gaudy outposts of ego all along the horizon.
When the direness of this global health crisis began to be apparent, I was braced for the falsehoods and misinformation that are Trump’s trademarks. I was girded for the incompetence that defines an administration with such contempt for proper procedure and for true expertise.
But what has taken me by surprise and torn me up inside are the aloofness, arrogance, pettiness, meanness, narcissism and solipsism that persist in Trump — that flourish in him — even during a once-in-a-lifetime emergency that demands something nobler.
I don’t take responsibility at all.” “Did you know I was number one on Facebook?” To bother with just one of those sentences while a nation trembles is disgusting. To bother with both, as Trump did, is perverse.

1 comment:

EdA said...

Perhaps I am inappropriately psychologizing, but for a VERY long time I have felt that from at least as early as the time that Degenerate Don reached puberty, his parents realized that they had a severely disturbed child on their hands. Otherwise, why would they pack him off to the New York Military Academy, basically a reform school for rich kids? Surely if they could have stood the sight of him, they had money enough to send him to a swanky private school in Manhattan. And this is even considering the great likelihood that he absorbed his thoroughly ingrained racism from his Klan-supporting war-profiteering blatantly bigoted father. If true, and I have no real reason to doubt Stormy Daniels, it would not be surprising if his allegedly deformed equipment might have aroused comment in the military school's showers. Note also his "jokes" that dealing with STIs represented his Vietnam. Would it be surprising if he had lost a few unresolved battles?

But regardly of the etiology, more and more it is clear that there is something very wrong with the wiring in Donald Trump's brain.