Friday, September 06, 2013

Richmond Times Dispatch Slams Cuccinelli on Sodomy Law Obsession

Like Del. Bob Marshall, Ken Cuccinelli is obsessed with sex.  Gay sex and non-missionary position sex.  Hence their love for Virginia's unconstitutional "crimes against nature" statute a/k/a sodomy statute which has historically been used to prosecute gays and target them for felony charges rather than the usual misdemeanor charges that solicitation and prostitution carry.   Rather than being honest about his motivations, Cuccinelli has disingenuously claimed that the sodomy law is needed to stop pedophiles.  As a previous post laid out in detail, there are already a plethora of statutes that can be utilized for this alleged purpose.  Now, even the conservative Richmond Times Dispatch seems to have had enough of Cuccinelli's sodomy obsession and slams him in a main page editorial.  Here are excerpts:

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has bailed out of potential litigation over a new state education law.

This represents an abrupt departure from the attorney general’s defense of Virginia’s crimes-against-nature law. A full decade ago, the U.S. Supreme Court cut the legs out from under that law when it struck down a Texas law against sodomy. This spring the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals declared the Virginia law unconstitutional as well, in a case that involved a 47-year-old man soliciting (but not actually receiving) oral sex from a 17-year-old female.

Virginia’s age of consent is 15. Nevertheless, the state pursued the case against the man, arguing that he violated the crimes-against-nature statute. The 4th Circuit threw out his conviction, finding that Virginia’s sodomy law “facially violates the Due Process Clause of the First Amendment” – and, moreover, that the defendant “solicited an underage female to commit an act that is not, at the moment, a crime in Virginia.”

Nevertheless, Cuccinelli continues, Javert-like, to argue for the sodomy law – and has taken his appeal to the Supreme Court. He even asked the high court to stay the 4th Circuit’s ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts said no.

In the sodomy case, the AG plows mulishly ahead in the face of repeated judicial rebuffs. Yet in the schools case, he is refusing to defend a new statute against lawsuits that have not yet even been filed. The two cases present quite a contrast – and a highly unflattering one at that.
My personal view is that Cuccinelli is a self-loathing closeted gay man - even fathering 7 children couldn't make him straight - and he is obsessed with maintaining laws that restrain normal, mentally healthy gays from leading lives with the same equal rights of other citizens.   Cuccinelli, in short is mentally ill.

1 comment:

Alinka said...

As always, appreciate your professional opinion on the issues of the law.

Virginia age of consent is 15? Wow. Interesting fact.
I once visited WV, and been to some hick areas of SC and TX (business trip). In my humble opinion the age of consent there should be 46, or better, 50( just to be on the safe side, in procreative sense ) ;)