Sunday, June 02, 2013

Cuccinelli Dupes Wshington Post Reporter

One think that drives me to distraction is when mainstream media reporters and anchors fail to do their jobs and report true facts rather than merely parrot what a politician and/or political appointees are claiming.  The result is than politicians are allowed to lie and get away with it and the public is mislead.   A case in point is a story in the Washington Post where GOP nutcase and gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli is being allowed to claim that (i) he is not pushing extreme social issues and (ii) his anti-gay positions have no adverse effect on Virginia tourism.  Like everything that comes out of Cuccinelli's mouth, it's a lie, but Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle, in my opinion, did sloppy work and allowed the lies to stand.  In the article, Democrat nominee Terry McAullife rightly was quoted as saying:

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said last week that positions taken by the Republican ticket on social issues are wrong for an increasingly moderate Virginia and suggested that they could hurt the state’s economy.

Without singling out Republicans by name, McAuliffe accused his opponents of dwelling on agendas that create an intolerant atmosphere for women and gay people. He also indicated that remarks bubbling up from the Virginia General Assembly and the campaign trail have had an impact on tourism at Virginia Beach, whose sand and surf and other attractions draw 5.5 million visitors a year.

The article goes on and quotes the owner of Croc's restaurant in Virginia Beach - the only Oceanfront business that actively courts the LGBT market - who notes the very real problem of gays not wanting to vacation in Virginia Beach.    Instead they go to gay friendly destinations outside of Virginia.  The article then quotes a Virginia Beach city councilman and the tourism director who claim there's no problem with gay tourism.   Not that either of them (who in my view are in bed with the Republicans) would no the first thing about gay tourism even if hit hit them in the head with a 2x4.   Here's the brief e-mail I sent to the Post reporter:

I read your article in the Washington Post and was dismayed that you seeming fell for Ken Cuccinelli's line of BS that social issues - e.g., Cuccinelli's anti-gay agenda in particular - doesn't have a negative impact on attracting businesses and tourists. 

On the impact on business relocation, here is a link to a post on my blog that gives one specific example:    This is not a unique story and businesses DO consider a state's social climate before relocating if there are concerns that key employees might choose to leave the company rather than relocate to a socially hostile area.   I can also share with you that I regularly receive calls - I am an "out" attorney  (and write my own blog and contribute to The Bilerico Project, so I have some level of visibility) - from LGBT individuals who have been offered jobs or promotions that would bring them to Virginia.  Their number one concern is Virginia's anti-gay climate and lack of employment protections, etc. for LGBT citizens.  Often these individuals work for the defense industry and a significant number decide to NOT take the job offers because they do not want to leave a "gay friendly state" and come to an anti-gay state like Virginia.
Mr. Cuccinelli may want to pretend that his anti-gay agenda isn't widely known, but I can assure you that it is all over the gay blogosphere and in gay publications even in Europe and other parts of the world.  With the LGBT tourism segment totaling roughly $80 billion a year in the USA alone, anti-gay policies are just down right stupid for a state with a large tourism industries.   Studies time and time again show that gays stay longer and spend more money that most straight tourists.   As for Virginia Beach's efforts to attract LGBT tourism, no effort is made.  ZERO.  Ron Kuhlman to my knowledge knows nothing about LGBT tourism and his organization has never made the first effort to attract gay tourists.  I am a founder of the local gay chamber of commerce and Kuhlman has never once attended one of our business development events over a period of over 5 years.  The same holds true for John E. Uhrin.  I can safely say these gentlemen are utterly clueless on the issue of gay tourism and, combined with the Virginia GOP's anti-gay rhetoric, this means that gay tourists go to gay friendly beaches cities: Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, Fire Island in New York, Provincetown in Massachusetts, Key West and Ft. Lauderdale in Florida being some of the East Coast destination.  When my partner and I travel, we ALWAYS pick gay friendly destinations.  We even select cruise lines that have LGBT amenities and/or gatherings.
As for Cuccinelli's claim that he's not talking about social issues, it is a total farce.  As a former 8 year member of the Virginia Beach Republican City Committee I am well aware of how GOP politics work in Virginia and through The Family Foundation (which might as well be a GOP auxiliary organization) and similar groups, the social issues drum is being beaten constantly to the GOP base.  How do you think E.W. Jackson won the Lt. Governor nomination?    Cuccinelli may be trying to avoid statements about social issues at functions where the press is in attendance, but in private he's talking about it and the social issues are what is being used as a "dog whistle" to rally the far right base.
I find it unfortunate that a publication like the Washington Post did not do more thorough research on this issue before largely parroting Mr. Cuccinelli's propaganda.

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