Friday, November 23, 2012

Uganda's Anti-Gay Bill Passes Parliamentary Committee

As noted in previous posts, the government of Uganda is one of the most corrupt in the world.  Now, in an attempt to distract the ignorant and largely illiterate population from the real cause of the nation's basket case status - i.e., the legislators themselves - and to  do the bidding of American Christofascists busy exporting anti-gay hate and ignorance to Africa, a committee of the ethically, morally and mentally bankrupt Ugandan Parliament has approved the so called "kill the gays bill" and moved the measure forward towards consideration by the full Parliament.   Towleroad has coverage on this disgusting development. Here are highlights:

[T]he bill passed a Parliamentary committee today, sending it to the next level of votes. Though the call for gay people to be executed has been removed from the hideously hateful measure, there bill still includes a life imprisonment request.
According to Uganda’s NTV network – as tweeted by Frank Mugisha (@frankmugisha), director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) – an unnamed member of the committee confirmed that a penalty of life imprisonment has remained in the bill in place of execution.
While sexual relations between members of the same sex are already illegal in Uganda, if the bill becomes law it will be among the world’s harshest against gay people. NTV reports that the bill should receive floor debate next week.
Religious leaders in Uganda have been putting intense pressure on politicians to pass the long-lingering law there and asked this week for Speaker Rebecca Kadaga to get the bill made into law as a "Christmas gift".

As I have noted many times before, conservative Christianity is one of the most foul influences in the world today (fundamentalist Islam vies for a similar designation) and is a threat to constitutional government and human rights across the globe.  The sooner it is a dead religion, the better off the world will be.

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