Sunday, May 20, 2012

One Million Bitches Target The GAP

One thing that always strikes me is that despite the right wing zealots bleating about protecting freedom and free speech, they truly only believe in such rights for themselves.  When others engage in free speech or advertising or just plain living their lives as they choose, suddenly the hypocrites of the right wing want to enforce censorship.  One of the latest examples is the hissy fit that the Christianists at OneMillionMoms are having over a new ad by The Gap (shown above) that - oh the horror! - shows two handsome young men in a single shirt with the phrase "Be One."   The one million bitches have their panties in huge wad and are vowing retaliation against The GAP for its heresy of admitting that gays exist and marketing to us.  Like all of the Christofascists, the one million bitches want special rights for themselves, but have a basically "f*ck you" attitude towards those with differing beliefs.  The lesson of course is, we need to go out and shop at The GAP.  With luck, The GAP will see a sales surge like Starbucks experienced after NOM sough a boycott against the company. Here's a sampling of the group's screed:

Speaking of companies who are choosing to be politically correct instead of focusing on selling clothes; GAP is also guilty. In Los Angeles, CA, GAP has a billboard located downtown that reads: "GAP- BE BRIGHT- BE ONE" with two homosexual men pressed together under a shared t-shirt. They are hugging each other and facing the camera cheek-to-cheek. "BE ONE" is in large letters which emphasizes the same-sex relationship.

GAP Inc. Brands, including Old Navy, Banana Republic, Piperlime, and Athleta, does not deserve, nor will it get, money from conservative families across the country. Supporting GAP is not an option until they decide to remain neutral in the culture war. GAP needs to seriously consider how their immoral advertising affect the youth of our nation.

Christians should urge for the removal of GAP's offensive billboard in Los Angeles and any other city where it is located. GAP will also need to cancel any plans to use the "Be One" ad campaign elsewhere including store-front posters, its website, and in print magazine ads.
The group instructs its sheep and cow like members to send the company the following rant:

As a parent and a member of, I am highly offended by your company's disrespect for the millions of parents whose children will be exposed to your latest "Be One" GAP billboard ad. Selling clothes has nothing to do with a person's sexual orientation. In attempting to be politically correct, you are offending a huge majority of your customers.

GAP Inc. Brands, including Old Navy, Banana Republic, Piperlime, and Athleta, does not deserve, nor will it get, my family's business as a result. I will not be able to support your corporation until you decide to remain neutral in the culture war. I implore you to consider how your immoral actions affect the youth of our nation

Did you note how "remaining neutral" equates to knuckling under to the hate and bigotry of the one million bitches?  I can just imagine how many of these moms are of the fat ass, stretch pants soccer mom type I recall (and found so mindless and despicable) from my days in straight suburbia. 

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