An internal memo from one of the country’s leading anti-gay marriage organizations outlines a plan to defeat same-sex marriage and create division among Democrats by creating tension between gays and blacks over the issue. The memo was contained in a trove of documents unsealed by a federal judge on Monday in a case in Maine . . .“The strategic goal of the project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks — two key Democratic constituencies,” reads a portion of the memo, describing an initiative called the “Not a Civil Right Project.”Another initiative, described under the heading “Internationalizing the Marriage issue: A Pan-American Strategy,” is to convince Hispanic voters that efforts to legalize gay marriage would force them to assimilate to “the dominant Anglo culture.”The executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, Brian S. Brown, did not respond to e-mails and phone calls seeking comment. But in a statement posted
on the group’s blog, Mr. Brown defended the organization’s strategy.The strategy memo also outlines the group’s goals for next November: “The pro-gay agenda of President Obama must be defeated in 2012, and replaced by one that expressly articulates a pro-marriage culture.”
Another section of that memo, titled “Sideswiping Obama,” outlines a plan to “develop side issues to weaken pro-gay marriage political leaders and parties.” The memo suggests that opponents of gay marriage “raise such issues as pornography, protection of children and the need to oppose all efforts to weaken religious liberty at the federal level,” and that an initiative known as the Preserve Innocence Project will “focus on exposing those administration programs that have the effect of sexualizing young children.”
As I note often, no one makes the case for walking away from Christianity and organized religion better that the Christofascists in organizations like NOM and its allies. Lying, breeding hate and discord, and cynically using groups and individuals are all standard operating procedure for these "godly folk." I am still waiting to learn how tight NOM is tied to the U. S. Catholic bishops. I cannot wait for that shoe to drop.
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