Saturday, January 14, 2012

More Anti-Gay Hate and Lies from the Christianist Crowd

I noted recently that a petition has been started to challenge MSNBC to stop providing a platform for known anti-gay bigots and liars like Tony Perkins. But Perkins is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of whom the mainstream media needs to cease treating as "experts." Time and time again we see people being allowed to make outrageous statements without any challenge or reference to the fact that ALL legitimate medical and mental health experts clearly make the point that the Christianist claims are untrue. Lambda Legal has put together a video clip that captures the lies and undisguised venom that the Christianists are allowed to spew over and over again by lazy and irresponsible reporters and media outlets. If these folks are going to be allowed to make such statements, (1) they need to be forced to admit that their statements merely reflect their personal opinions and (2) the news anchor or someone else needs to state the fact that legitimate credentialed experts disagree 100% with the views being stated. Here's the Lambda Legal video clip:

With the epidemic of gay teen suicides continuing one would think responsible journalist would seek to present the truth on their shows. Right Wing Watch looks at a new anti-gay myth being floated by the Christianists: that 60% of gays were sexually abused as children. We may have been abused but it wasn't sexually. No, it was psychological abuse by "godly Christians" preaching anti-gay hate and parroting junk science. Here are highlights from Right Wing Watch:

Dobson and Myers insist that by reporting on anti-gay activists, Right Wing Watch is trying to quash any debate over homosexuality, and then went into push the myth that gays molest children in order to recruit them.

Myers said that “60 percent of the males who end up proclaiming a homosexual lifestyle were abused as children,” even though according to the American Psychiatric Association, “no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse. Sexual abuse does not appear to be more prevalent in children who grow up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, than in children who identify as heterosexual.MaleSurvivor also called such a claim a “myth,” noting that “experts in the human sexuality field do not believe that premature sexual experiences play a significant role in late adolescent or adult sexual orientation.”

As I've said before, when a Christianist's lips are moving, its a safe bet that he or she is lying. And lying deliberately.

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