Friday, November 11, 2011

Quote of the Day - Lisa Paschal Snyder on Catholic Bishops' Attack on Religious Freedom

A Baltimore Sun reader addresses the deliberately disingenuous meme being perpetuated by the U. S. Catholic Bishops.

So Maryland's Roman Catholic bishops are claiming that same-sex marriage threatens "religious liberty" are they? ("Bishops assail same-sex marriage," Nov. 10.) From where I sit the attack on religious freedom comes from the Catholic Church with its never ending war on everyone else's values and its constant battle to impose Catholic doctrine on every citizen regardless of his or her own religious beliefs.

I completely agree with Ms. Snyder's assessment. It's those claiming persecution who are in fact the persecutors. Of course, it's not just the Catholic bishops who are promoting this lie. The Christianists and hate merchants of the professional Christian set - e.g., Maggie Gallagher, Tony Perkins (the list is lengthy - are repeating it over and over as well in the hope that simpletons and brown nosing and ass kissing political whores in GOP will repeat the mantra.

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