Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prop 8 Supporters Appeal Ruling on Walker Verdit

The anti-gay forces of hate and intolerance refuse to give up on their efforts to secure the reversal of Judge Walker's ruling in Perry v. Schwarzenegger. Now, they are appealing the decision of Judge James Ware which stated that Walker's 2010 ruling declaring Proposition 8 unconstitutional should not be thrown out because Walker didn't disclose he had a partner. Frankly, I think its time for severe sanctions to be imposed against both the Prop 8 supporters who are abusing the court system and their counsel personally for filing frivolous appeals. Until there are consequences arising from specious filings and appeals, the circus will go on as long as the Christianists can dream up any ridiculous basis for appeal. The Advocate has these highlights:
Antigay groups are appealing the June 14 decision of Judge James Ware, which stated that Walker's 2010 ruling declaring Prop. 8 unconstitutional should not be thrown out because Walker didn't disclose he had a partner. Pro-Prop. 8 groups like ProtectMarriage say Walker was biased in his ruling because he would have personally benefited from California allowing same-sex marriage. Ware said there was no indication Walker intended to marry his partner — and he didn't during the brief time California allowed same-sex marriage in 2008.
Groups such as Lambda Legal and the American Foundation for Equal Rights, which is bankrolling the case against Prop. 8, called the attempt to get Walker's ruling thrown out desperate and insulting.
"The court decisively rejected an outrageous attack on the integrity of Judge Walker, not to mention judges in general." Peter Renn, an attorney for Lambda Legal, said in a statement following Ware's June 14 decision. "The motion was a sideshow designed to deflect attention from the fact that the proponents had every chance to prove that Prop. 8 was constitutional, but could not do so. Prop. 8 was declared unconstitutional because it is unconstitutional — not because the judge is gay."
The bullshit filing can be found here. It is truly time to end the special deference given to those who hide their hate and bigotry under the cloak of religious belief.

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