Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lillian McEwen Breaks Her Silence: Justice Clarence Thomas Obsessed with Pornography

As readers have probably figured out, I am no fan of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas who, in my opinion, should never have been appointed to the Supreme Court because of his lack of competence and his inability to separate his own claimed religious views from his rulings. Likewise, I find his wife's blatant political activities and financial benefits from anonymous political action donors bordering on shocking - especially given the tradition of judicial spouses avoiding anything that smacks of political partisanship much less things that give the appearance of impropriety. (Two of my former law partners are federal judges, so I know first hand what normal judicial spouse conduct looks like).
Apparently, Virginia Thomas like many on the far right sees herself as exempt from the rules that govern others. Recently, she even had the audacity to call Anita Hill and ask that Hill bury the hatchet by apologizing to Thomas' husband. Well, now that brazen behavior seems to be biting both Thomas in the ass. Because of Thomas' behavior, Lilian McEwen, a woman well acquainted with Clarence Thomas has loudly said what she was afraid to say 19 years ago about Thomas. In effect, she substantiates Hill's testimony and confirms that Clarence Thomas is a very seamy and warped man. Pay backs can surely be Hell. If Thomas had any integrity, he'd resign from the Court. But, of course he doesn't and will not. Here are highlights from the Washington Post:
When Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during his explosive 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Thomas vehemently denied the allegations and his handlers cited his steady relationship with another woman in an effort to deflect Hill's allegations. Lillian McEwen was that woman.
She was never asked to testify, as then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), who headed the committee, limited witnesses to women who had a "professional relationship" with Thomas.
Now, she says that Thomas often said inappropriate things about women he met at work -- and that she could have added her voice to the others, but didn't. . . . . She did not want to do anything to harm her career, she added. Plus, she realized, "I don't look good in this."
News broke that the justice's wife, Virginia Thomas, left a voice mail on Hill's office phone at Brandeis University, seeking an apology -- a request that Hill declined in a statement.
After that, McEwen changed her mind and decided to talk about her relationship with Thomas.
To McEwen, Hill's allegations that Thomas had pressed her for dates and made lurid sexual references rang familiar. . . . . He was obsessed with porn," she said of Thomas, who is now 63. "He would talk about what he had seen in magazines and films, if there was something worth noting."
According to McEwen, Thomas would also tell her about women he encountered at work. He was partial to women with large breasts, she said. In an instance at work, Thomas was so impressed that he asked one woman her bra size, McEwen recalled him telling her.
[S]he says, "I know Clarence would not be happy with me." "I have no hostility toward him," McEwen said. "It is just that he has manufactured a different reality over time. That's the problem that he has."

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