Monday, September 20, 2010

Will Jim Webb Betray Gay Americans and Support McCain's Flibuster of DADT?

DADT is admittedly an emotional issue for me. I know far too many fine, honorable and wonderful individuals who have been thrown out of the military under DADT - a policy that in my view is purely religious base discrimination that has been enshrined in the laws of this nation. Indeed, it is to a point where I am probably going to ignore my prior resolve and simply abandon the Democratic Party if DADT does not move forward tomorrow - especially should Jim Webb and other Democrats fail to vote unanimously for cloture and a vote on the bill. Words and campaign promises DO matter and I am over being played for a fool.
MSNBC is reporting that Webb will side with McCain and support the filibuster. How upset am I? Off the charts. In fact, the boyfriend and I are set to host an event for Glenn Nye on Sunday at our home. I have just notified Nye's office and the Hampton Party Chair that the event will be cancelled if the Democrats don't deliver a unanimous vote for cloture and DADT repeal tomorrow. It's time that they deliver on promises.
Should I walk away from the Party, some will claim I am cutting off my nose to spite my face, but sooner or later when one has to demand integrity from elected officials. Here are the contact numbers for Senators critical to moving DADT repeal forward - I urge readers to call their Senators tommorow first thing in the morning or send a free fax via this site:
Susan Collins D.C. office: (202) 224-2523
Susan Collins Augusta, ME office: (207) 622-8414
Olympia Snowe toll-free number: (800) 432-1599
Olympia Snowe Augusta, ME office: (207) 622-8292
Mark Pryor D.C. office: (202) 224-2353
Mark Pryor Little Rock, AR office: (501) 324-6336
Richard Lugar D.C. office: (202) 224-4814
Richard Lugar Indianapolis, IN office: (317) 226-5555

Judd Gregg D.C. office: (202) 224-3324
Judd Gregg Concord, NH office: (603) 225-7115
Jim Webb D.C. office: 202-224-4024
Jim Webb Richmond, VA office: 804-771-2221

George Voinovich D.C. office: (202) 224-3353
George Voinovich Columbus, OH office: (614) 469-6697

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