Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lady Gaga Inspires Others to DADT Repeal Advocacy

I may be showing my age, but I will concede that prior to the National Equality March last October, I really did not know a great deal about Lady Gaga. She was a performer that my youngest daughter might mention and I had heard a couple of her songs. In fact, it was not until that gorgeous Sunday afternoon last October that I saw Gaga in action from about 20-25 feet back from the podium in the press area where we were positioned thanks to my Bilerico credentials. It quickly became obvious as she spoke that she's no blond bimbo and that she's not one to bite her tongue. I can still hear her in my mind as she yelled out to Barack Obama that it was time for fully equality.
As I noted in a post the other day, Gaga made the repeal of DADT a visible issue at the MTV Awards where she was accompanied by four (4) victims of DADT and discarded from the military. This aggressive exposure of the issue continued to her web site that is linked to SLDN's web page and call for citizens to join her in calling their Senators and demanding that they vote for repeal. THIS is what a "fierce advocate" acts like. Not the simpering spinelessness which is all that is forthcoming from the White House. The following is a video inspired by Gaga - and the girls in the video DID call their Senators, one of who has responded and thanked them for their action. For readers in Virginia, the numbers to call are as follows: Mark Warner - (202) 224-2023; Jim Webb - (202)-224-4024. Call them now/tomorrow. I already have.

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