Saturday, June 19, 2010

Southern Baptists Denounce Gays

The other major U.S. denomination that seems to have an undue obsession with all things sexual besides the Roman Catholic church is the Southern Baptist Convention. You know, the denomination that first came into being back at the time of the U.S. Civil War when it broke away from the larger Baptist convention because its members sought to uphold slavery. Besides subtle racism, gay sex seems to preoccupy far to many in the SBC leadership. Indeed, I cannot help but wonder about SBC big shot Richard Land (pictured at right) who seems almost as obsessed with gay sex as Peter "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and the always prissy and hysterically anti-gay Robert Knight. These guys are more obsessed with gay sex than - well, even the horniest gay men. Meanwhile, the SBC has major problems with sexual abuse by pastors, but given the denomination's decentralized structure, its far easier to turn a blind eye to the problem and try to pretend the issues doesn't exist. At their ongoing denomination convention the SBC has once again condemned gays. The Associated Baptist Press has more details:
[R]esolutions approved on the closing day of the June 15-16 SBC annual meeting in Orlando, Fla., denounced a proposal to repeal the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy banning open service by gays and opposed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act pending in Congress. The law would expand federal employment-discrimination law to prevent people from being fired because of their sexual orientation.
Another resolution gave attention to the “scandal of Southern Baptist divorce,” noting that despite the convention’s defense of the sanctity of marriage, studies indicate that conservative Protestants divorce at rates equal to or higher than the general population.
“We have been prophetic in confronting assaults in the outside culture on God’s design for marriage while rarely speaking with the same alarm and force to a scandal that has become all too commonplace in our own churches,” the statement said.
It called on churches to limit marriage to “only those who are biblically qualified to be married to one another and who demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of lifelong love and fidelity.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So isnt the biblical view of marriage -- women as property, stoning to death for adultery, etc -- a little out of date?

interesting how only the homophobic parts are retained. it is like listening to dr laura with a pulpit. catch up, people! evolve!