Monday, September 07, 2009

Angst Over Obama's Hapless Weakness Continues to Grow

No matter what lunacy the GOP and its deranged base decides to put forth, President Obama continues to act like the class nerd who runs from confrontation and yields the field by default to the lunatic fringe of the freeper swamps. Like many Democrats who not only voted for Obama but also worked for his campaign and advocated for his campaign, I feel that I was sold a false bill of goods. With majorities in both houses of Congress and a Democrat in the White House, the Democrats should have been able to move forward with the agenda that Obama was elected to oversee. Instead, we see the increasingly irrational and out right bizarre elements of the GOP calling all the shots and Obama unable to control "blue dog" Democrats who are selling the public out in favor of large donations from the health insurance industry and the pharmaceutical companies. America Blog has a new post that looks ate comments from readers that well sums up the level of disgust among those who worked to get Obama and a Democrat majority elected:
Let me share with you some of the recent, and most popular, comments our readers have left regarding the President's actions of late. I really feel in my gut that these are illustrative of what Democrats are saying across the country about the President. This is very dangerous for the President, the party, and for our agenda that things have gone this sour, and this public.
I still can't believe that I actually worked to get this "wuss" elected. . . . Obama's version of chess is the one in which you simply allow your opponents to place you in "check" every move and considering that, the fact that they haven't managed to "mate" you; considering that some kind of victory. I know a "wuss" when I see one and I'm seeing one right now: Obama.
It's not what I voted for or donated money to either. I don't appreciated getting punked by the man so many millions worked so hard for to get elected. . . . Hillary is laughing her ass off right about now.
You take the polls where the majority of the public wants the public option and tell the Blue Dogs to get on board by educating their constituents. . . . What you don't do is insult your base, and you don't let a party determined to see you fail and few scared politicians in unsafe districts, who are probably going to lose anyway because life isn't fair, dictate against the tide of public opinion. That is, unless you are scared shitless because the industry deals you made at the start when you were pretending to negotiate in good faith (and transparency) on the part of the public are falling apart before your eyes.
If the Democrats cannot perform better than this and maintain party unity and discipline, then they do not deserve to be in charge and, sadly, I believe more and more rank and file voters are appalled and figuring this out. It takes real effort to be defeated by crazy people when you had a amazing position strength when the battle began. This debacle is spilling over from the national front to hurt Democrats in statewide races in Virginia and New Jersey - if they fail, the media and the lunatic elements of the GOP will be trumpeting victory and a repudiation of Obama. And Obama will have no one to blame but himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I voted for him, hoping that we could see some changes but I question whether he was ready for the ruff and tumble (trashy) world of politics. I think he thought his communication skill would carry him through, but it hasn't and now he is being perceived as one of us, human. I don't know what to expect and I am worried about our financial future..