Wednesday, May 27, 2009

East Coast Marriage Lunacy

Meanwhile, on the east coast in Maine, the fundies are seeking to push for a Prop 8 type rescission of Maine's recent gay marriage laws. As is always the case with these folk, truth is never an obstacle to their disingenuous rants, one of which is that same sex marriage will encourage adultery among heterosexual marriages - something that is beyond ludicrous since evangelical Christians already have the highest divorce and remarriage rate of any religious group. Moreover, the Christo-fascists claim that monogamy is not considered important by gay couples. Tell that to the boyfriend or 99.99% of the gay couples I know and you'll get a smack down. But again, with the Christianists truth never matters. Here's a highlight from the bullshit being disseminated by the Maine Marriage Alliance:
How does your neighbor’s same-sex marriage undermine your marriage?
Traditional societies depend on shared morals. Unfortunately, in modern times, democracies have traded absolute truths and collective morality for personal freedom.
Legal recognition for openly non-monogamous gay unions would effectively destroy the taboo on adultery. The result is a continual downfall of families and society.
Stanley Kurtz, a research fellow at Stanford University explains: “What we need to understand — but do not — is that gay marriage will undermine the structure of taboos that continue to protect heterosexual marriage — and will do so far more profoundly than either the elimination of sodomy laws, or the general sexual loosening of the past thirty years. Above all, marriage is protected by the ethos of monogamy — and by the associated taboo against adultery. The real danger of gay marriage is that it will undermine the taboo on adultery, thereby destroying the final bastion protecting marriage: the ethos of monogamy.”
Remember, Stanley Kurtz has authored other bogus studies that manipulate the data to achieve the result that he seeks - precisely the type of "study" that the Christianists prefer. I'd also note that if what my boyfriend and I do or don't do in terms of monogamy threatens your marriage, I'd say your marriage is already pretty f*cked up to start.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are there really people so twisted that Stanley's arguement actually makes sense? And what does he "research" at Standford? Ways to distort logic to the point of not being recognized?