Friday, May 01, 2009

Churchgoers More Likely to Back Torture

You have to love the headline of this CNN piece that confirms what I've said for sometime: far too many of today's "Christians" have utterly perverted Christianity and turned it into something horrible. These nasty folks think as long as they are anti-abortion and anti-gay they have a free pass to engage in and support almost any kind of horrible actions that I cannot help but believe Christ would condemn. After, all these people are the bulk of the Republican party base and the most loyal supporters of the Chimperator and Emperor Palpatine Cheney. The question is, when are the non-insane, non-hating Christians going to start speaking out and reclaiming Christianity from the hate merchants? Here are some story highlights:
WASHINGTON (CNN) — The more often Americans go to church, the more likely they are to support the torture of suspected terrorists, according to a new analysis. More than half of people who attend services at least once a week — 54 percent — said the use of torture against suspected terrorists is “often” or “sometimes” justified. Only 42 percent of people who “seldom or never” go to services agreed, according the analysis released Wednesday by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.
White evangelical Protestants were the religious group most likely to say torture is often or sometimes justified — more than 6 in 10 supported it. People unaffiliated with any religious organization were least likely to back it. Only 4 in 10 of them did.
The analysis is based on a Pew Research Center survey of 742 American adults conducted April 14-21. It did not include analysis of groups other than white evangelicals, white non-Hispanic Catholics, white mainline Protestants, and the religiously unaffiliated, because the sample size was too small.
What would Jesus do?

1 comment:

Josh Indiana said...

I share your concern about the non-hating, non-insane Christians. I am one.

I saw this headline today and thought, "Oh, great, another reason to despise Jesus."

The leaders of my denomination try and try to speak out for progress, tolerance, justice, but they get drowned out. Part of it's their own fault, but the deck is stacked against them.