Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Google Maps Highlights Prop 8 Donors

UPDATED: Andrew Sullivan had this comment with which I very much agree:
I don't get the fear. If Prop 8 supporters truly feel that barring equality for gay couples is vital for saving civilization, shouldn't they be proud of their financial support? Why don't they actually have posters advertizing their support for discriminating against gay people - as a matter of pride?
I noted the other day how Proposition 8 supporters have their panties in wad over the California campaign finance disclosure laws which have exposed anti-equality supporters and their bigotry. Now Interactive Google maps have taken the matter to a new level showing the amounts, names and locations of Prop 8 donors online for three locations so far, including Salt Lake City. It's interesting how these folks want to deprive others of civil legal rights but at the same time want to remain safely anonymous. I can think of few things more dangerous than allowing individuals and/or companies and organizations to seek to influence the civil laws and yet remain anonymous. I have always had the courage to stand openly behind my beliefs and be counted. Thus, if these bigots do not have the courage to publicly stand behind their convictions, then perhaps they ought to rethink their positions. I have no sympathy for these cry babies whatsoever.

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