Monday, November 10, 2008

Proposition 8 Contributors - Pay Back Can Be Hell

The San Francisco Chronicle has a great database that allows one to search and see who has contributed money to the campaigns supporting and opposing California's Proposition 8, banning same-sex marriage. The data is based on campaign finance reports submitted to the California Secretary of State's Office since 2007 and contains data current as of November 3, 2008. It's possible to search by state and zip code so that you can identify opponents of LGBT equality and avoid their businesses and products. Over at America Blog, there's an example of the a supporter of bigotry having it come home to roost far sooner that he probably expected. Here are some highlights:
Well, anyway, word got around in the past few days that the Artistic Director of the theater [California Music theater], one Scott Eckern, a nice Mormon boy, donated $1,000 to the hateful bigoted Yes on 8 campaign that repealed marriage for gay couples in California.
And what do you know. It seems our friend Scott has, um, angered the gays, to put it lightly. Marc Shaiman, composer of HAIRSPRAY, called Scott's theater, I'm told, and said he is pulling the rights from any of his shows, and is talking to other colleagues about doing the same. And a well known musical actress is now urging her friends to boycott working at the theater. Gosh, sounds like it's going to be hard for that theater to survive with Scott working there.
It's really too bad Scott's hateful bigoted friends in the religious right and in the Mormon Church outright threatened the livelihood of anyone donating to No on 8. That pretty much gives license to the other side - that would be the side protesting in the streets across California and Utah - to target the livelihood of anyone donating to Yes on 8.
I hope that Scott Eckern is only the first of many to find that their bigotry is turning around to bite them in the ass. Needless to say, I suspect that the Christianists and Mormons are going to be squealing like stuck pigs as the pay backs begin to hit home, all the while pretending they - rather than the victims of their bigotry - are the victims.

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