Wednesday, August 29, 2007

GOP senators say Craig should resign

It increasingly looks like Larry Craig may be toast. You know it's bad when the Virginian Pilot carries a story like this ( Here are a few highlights:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Idaho Sen. Larry Craig's political support eroded significantly Wednesday as three fellow Republicans in Congress called for his resignation and party leaders pushed him from senior committee posts.

For a second consecutive day, GOP Senate leaders stepped in, issuing a statement that said Craig had "agreed to comply with leadership's request" to temporarily give up his posts on important committees. He has been the top Republican on the Veterans Affairs Committee as well as on subcommittees for two other panels.

"This is not a decision we take lightly, but we believe this is in the best interest of the Senate until this situation is resolved by the ethics committee," said the statement, issued in the name of Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the party leader, and others.

On Tuesday, the leaders jumped in ahead of Craig's appearance before television cameras in Idaho to announce they had asked the ethics committee look into the case.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Hoekstra called Craig's explanations "not credible." "I think it's important for Republicans to step out right now and say, 'No, this behavior is not going to be tolerated,'" he said. Hoekstra, a conservative from western Michigan, said he reached his decision on his own and had not consulted with party leaders. "It's not a judgment on gay rights or anything like that. This is about leadership and setting a standard that the American people and your colleagues in the Republican Party can feel good about." Other Republicans dwelt on Craig's guilty plea, but Hoekstra's mention of homosexuality reflected a separate concern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why does Mitch McConnell's or Hoeksta's (a good Dutch name) urge of Craig's departure warrant interest?

How many soldiers died in Iraq today, while this toilet douche bag occupies center stage?

Did anyone listen to Bush's news conference of confused double-talk and double-speak about god only knows what, other than Katrina victims are on his Administration's radar? After, of course, the Army Corps fixes the levee breach in years to come, since he took those funds for his education programs and wealthiest taxpayer rebates and refund. Well, let's not hurry to help them illiterate black folk, while those 120,000 mobile homes with asbestos serve their manufacturer's bottom line. Let's keep that Wall in Mexico "low" so laborers can jump over it, lest we prosecute our OWN border patrol with immunized drug lord's testimony again.

While Craig gets his jollies in men's toilets, men are dying in Iraq, killing each other with AIDS (all part of god's plan to eliminate the undesirables), stockpiles antiretrovirals need more stockpiles (hell, the pharmaceutical companies need profits), our children get lead poisoning from Chinese imports, Countrywide gets bailouts, Private Equity firms are sure privatizing their Park Avenue suites, and Americans are floundering over an Idaho pervert who likes toilet sex?

It may be of SLIGHT interest in the larger scheme of things, but frankly, you can FLUSH this crap down a toilet, where it belongs. WE HAVE more important issues because we have more important VALUES than playing "sting" to potato farmers building bridges to nowhere.

You're beginning to BECOME Rogers. I trust you have a higher aspirations.