Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bullying, Discrimination and Christian Pharisees

One of my favorite LBGT activist bloggers is Pam Spaulding at Pam’s House Blend (see: She like many others has discussed the Virginia Tech massacre and raised the issue of what effect bullying and discrimination might have had on setting off Cho Seung-Hui’s rampage. While nothing excuses Cho’s despicable actions, it interesting that he and other school mass murders seem to hold grudges against society, other students, etc., due to the perceived mistreatment they received.

Many of us experienced less than wonderful school days – I myself recall cat calls of “faggot” and “sissy” among other painful remarks in junior high and high school. As I have commented before, not being a great team athlete certainly did not help my cause. Thus, for me, college was a chance to reinvent myself and escape the frequent unhappiness of high school. The wounds healed in time, but apparently not so for Cho, it would seem in significant part due to his own imposed isolation and/or mental illness.

All of this brings to mind the improvements that have transpired in the last 35+ years me since I was in high school. Many schools have sought to implement anti-bully campaigns and other programs, although all too often it seems that teachers and school administrators still simply turn a blind eye to the mistreatment of students right in front of them. Thus, bigots and the “popular set” continue to make life hell for far too many individuals.

What I find most is remarkable is that wherever anti-bullying and non-discrimination plans or legislation are sought to be implemented, time and time again those who oppose them are so-called “Christians,” led by the likes of Tony Perkins at the Family Research Council (funny how the media always seem to forget to ask Mr. Perkins about his past ties to David Duke and the Klu Klux Klan) or James Dobson at Focus on the Family. Having read the New Testament and many other scholarly works on the Bible, the one message that rings through over and over again is that Jesus did NOT condone bullying or discrimination. In fact, time and time again the only individuals who receive his condemnation are the Pharisees and chief religious leaders of the Jews at the time. In my estimation, Messrs. Perkins, Dobson, and others of their ilk are anything but Christian. Sadly, the main stream news media never calls them on their un-Christian behavior, their lack of legitimate credentials in areas in which they claim to be authorities, or the theocratic nature of their political efforts. Thank heavens that the blogisphere exists and more and more individuals get their news from people like Pam Spaulding who are not afraid to call out the truth and challenge hypocrites and modern day Pharisees.

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