Friday, September 06, 2024

The Far Right's Role in the Russian Propaganda Attack on America

One thing that continually amazes me is the willingness of many on the political far right to believe all kinds of insane conspiracy theories and, worse yet push these manufactured story lines to others and, in the process disseminate Russian propaganda.  Nothing seems too far fetched and the batshit craziness that the MAGA base is only too happy to embrace has caused me to unfriend some on social media because it simply is too exhausting trying to convince them that they are spreading lies.  Worse yet, as this week's indictment of Russian operatives by the Department of Justice underscores, some far right "influencers" are only too happy to be bought by the Kremlin and push Putin's propaganda.  Frighteningly, even some Republican members of Congress repeat Russian talking points and prove that their true allegiance is not to America but to their orange cult leader.  With the the indictment of the Russian operatives it has been telling to see those who took large amounts of money that should have made it obvious that something was amiss are now playing the victim role rather than admit they were either willingly duped or let their greed cause them to aid an enemy of America.  A piece in The Atlantic looks at the phenomenon:

When people think of the world of espionage, they probably imagine glamorous foreign capitals, suave undercover operators, and cool gadgets. The reality is far more pedestrian: Yesterday, the Justice Department revealed an alleged Russian scheme to pay laundered money to American right-wing social-media trolls that seems more like a bad sitcom pitch than a top-notch intelligence operation.

According to a federal indictment unsealed yesterday, two Russian citizens, Kostiantyn Kalashnikov and Elena Afanasyeva, worked with a Tennessee company not named in the indictment but identified in the press as likely to be Tenet Media, owned by the conservative entrepreneurs Lauren Chen and her husband, Liam Donovan. The Russians work for RT, a Kremlin-controlled propaganda outlet; they are accused of laundering nearly $10 million and directing the money to the company.

Chen and Donovan then allegedly used most of that money to pay for content from right-wing social-media influencers including Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Lauren Southern, and Benny Johnson. Unless you’ve spent time sloshing around in some of the dumber wading pools of the internet, you may not have heard of these people, but they have several million followers among them.

So far, Pool, Rubin, and Johnson claim that they had no idea what was going on, and have even asserted that they’re the real victims here. On one level, it’s not hard to believe that someone like Pool was clueless about who he was working for, especially if you’ve seen any of his content; these people are not exactly brimming with nuanced insights.

And even without this money, some of them were likely to make the same divisive, pro-Russian bilge that they would have made anyway—as long as they could find someone to pay for their microphones and cameras.

On the other hand, you might think a person at all concerned about due diligence would ask a few questions about the amount of cash being dumped on their head. An op-ed in a newspaper or a magazine usually nets the writer a few hundred bucks. Well-known podcasters and the biggest writers on Substack—and there are only a few—can make $1 million or more a year, but most people on those platforms never get near that kind of income. . . . . the unnamed company agreed to pay one contributor $400,000 each month for hosting four weekly videos, and offered another a contract to make occasional videos at $100,000 a pop.

What’s really going on here is that the Russians have identified two major weaknesses in their American adversaries. The first is that a big slice of the American public, especially since the ascent of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, has an almost limitless appetite for stories that jack up their adrenaline: They will embrace wild conspiracies and “news” meant to generate social conflict so long as the stories are exciting, validate their preexisting worldviews, and give them some escape from life’s daily doldrums.

The other is that more than a few Americans have the combination of immense greed and ego-driven grievances that make them easy targets either for recruitment or to be used as clueless dupes. The Russians, along with every other intelligence service in the world, count on finding such people and exploiting their avarice and insecurity. This is not new. . . . . . But the widespread influence of social media has opened a new front in the intelligence battle.

Professional secret agents no longer need to find highly placed Americans who have access to secrets or who might influence policy discussions. Instead of the painstaking work that usually takes months or even years to suborn foreign citizens, the Kremlin can just dragoon a couple of its own people to pose as business sharps with money to burn, spread cash around like manure in a field full of half-wits, and see what blossoms.

Kalashnikov and Afanasyeva apparently developed and maintained a fake persona named “Eduard Grigoriann” who, for some reason, was just itching to plop a ton of money down on a venture in Tennessee. . . . Even more amusing, Grigoriann apparently missed a meeting with his American partners because he was on Moscow time when he was supposed to be in Paris.

As idiotic as this business was, Americans should not be complacent. Yes, people such as Johnson and Pool are execrable trolls, and yes, Chen has been fired from Blaze Media, a major conservative media outlet. But to the Russians, cooperative foreigners are interchangeable and replaceable. Meanwhile, the Kremlin is playing a very smart game here. For a relative pittance—$10 million is probably the loose change in the bottom drawer of Vladimir Putin’s desk—they gain a potentially huge amount of social discord, which in turn can translate directly into the electoral outcome the Russians so fervently desire: Trump’s return to the Oval Office.

The Justice Department finally seems to be going on the offense and fighting back against these Russian attacks on America. But this indictment is probably only the tip of the iceberg: Unfortunately, the Russians have scads of money, and plenty of Americans are despicable enough to take their cash.

1 comment:

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, Vlad has been part of the disinformation process for YEARS.
The thing is that after Elmo bought twitter the Russian-peddling army of 'influencers' has gotten stronger, because they have free rein.
Many, may Repugs are compromised, I'm sure, not just Tim Pool and the useful idiots that spread misinformation on a daily basis.
Cheeto is there, too.
Hillary warned us.
We didn't pay attention.